@Xristophoros: Dude, I can't agree that those movies are realistic on their universe. In the first Alien, if they respected simple laws of quarantine that whole movie would turn different... In prometheus it's the same situation.. A guy is infected and says nothing... where in any world this kind of situation is realistic? To me these are easy ways to make the plot runs according to plan, and are as stupid as many superhero situations that are impossible to happen, even in a fantastic world. I am not saying that the Aliens movies are bad.. I am a big fan of that universe, I am just saying that the so called realism used was stupid.. And as you said, a great director can make a real superhero world like Nolan did..
"the stories can be too unrealistic"... of course, because Prometheus is a pretty realistic movie.. specially when the dumb scientists are runnig straight forward from a rolling gigantic spaceship...
@overachiever89: dude, it's been said that people spent more than 210 million hours playing Xbox 360 games on the Xone in this article, so it's not something like you said. XOne players are spending a lot of time only playing X360 games.
And that to me shows that in this generation the lack of great games is a real problem... we are not receiving as many good games as we should, and this generation was rushed, that's why Sony and Microsoft are releasing more advanced consoles... with features people questioned them when they announced PS4 and XOne, like 4K...
@ef56sd: I am not saying that XOne lacks great titles alone.. PS4 has the same issue IMO... and that's the reason we see sooooo many Remasters or whatever they call it now..
Having the ability to play your old library is great. It doesn't force you to keep your old console around, but to me having 50% of your base players playing mainly old games, to me shows that this generation still didn't show what it came for. And I say that this is a problem giving the number of ours they said people are using this feature.
I play old game, heck, I replayed Chrono Trigger from start to finish on my Iphone, even having finished it back on it's release to the SNES, but I like to see new games, new features.
I started playing with the Atari 2600, so when I play games like The Witcher 3 (with it's world that feels so much alive), or when I experience something unique and different like the Nemesis system in Shadow of Mordor, that shows me that a new generation has come, that we will keep getting new features, but with so many people playing games from the last generation, confirms to me that we are not getting as many unique and great experiences as we should.
Even thinking it's a great feature I don't think it's great to have 50% of your base playing games from the last generation. To me it represents clearly the lack of quality games or great titles in the current one.
They rushed this generation, that was shown with the PS4 Pro and Project Scorpio, and having 50% of your players playing old games it's just more proof of it.
In my opinion Sony suffered since the PS4 Pro was announced.. People were waiting for that model to be released before buying a console, because I can't imagine a gamer buying a system when if you wait a couple months and you can get a better model.. But I like that the competition exits, because that way we will have always these companies forcing each other to improve. I prefer the PS4 because I like Sony's exclusives better (I had a X360, and the only exclusive I really liked and felt was unique there, was Alan Wake), and I always feel like Sony experiment more on gaming.. since I don't see games like Heavy Rain, Until Dawn or The Last Guardian on the Microsoft platforms.. at least I don't remember playing anything really that different on my X360.
@tlpina: Dude, when I first saw this VVVVVV game I totally got the same feeling about playing on Atari 2600.. It's a joke that this kinda game was even considered as a "gift" for those who pay for PSN Plus...
Back when the 360 was on top, Live was paid to playonline and PSN wasn't.. So to bring customers to pay for their service, Sony started "giving" PS Plus games for free, with great titles every month.. Nowadays that the PS4 is on top, Sony doesn't care anymore, and M$ give triple A titles here and there (Sleeping Dogs was free on PSN Plus last year).. It's how the industry works.. when you need to bring customers you has to offer something better... Sadly, Sony has dropped the quality of their releases month after month since they got on top in this generation.. despite the PS4 Indies having good reviews those are not the kind of games we would expect for the holidays, and the PSVita and PS3 ones are basically mediocre games..
I really tried to like The Order, but as a game it lacks a lot of structure. The gameplay mechanics weren't really good, and that, to me was the main problem of this game. Even being short and all, the history as good (not very good or great), there's a really cool universe there to be explored, the characters where great (the actually great feature of the game), but the gameplay, that was the real problem.
First, the shooting mechanics, even being good, were far behind the best 3rd person shooters in the market (Uncharted and Gears of War to me being the top ones). They worked fine, but did not bring anything new to the genre. And the best feature of the game, the Tesla weapons, weren't there to be used. In the majority of the game you just use regular weapons, and that together with a just ok shooting game, and with a game this short, can't be accepted.
But to me, the worst part of the game, by far, where the Quick Time Events.... man, they are too much, not even close to be good, being just annoying, and I say annoying to be soft with it.... Specially when fighting the lycans.. man, that was terrible, really, really terrible.
As I said, I really tried to like this game, because the history to me was good (not great, or very good), they really created a Victorian London and all, the characters have personality (some at least), but the gameplay, what to me is the core of any game, really sank this game. Maybe it they went to the PSVita instead of jumping to the PS4, we had received a better game. And I am not even talking about the lack o a real ending to the history.
arlonborges' comments