@sealionact: LOL, everyone knows oneshitta and Tarzan are total Xbox trolls. Yes, I know the PC version isn't great either, but still in better shape than the Xbox One version, (even the One X version is a hot mess right now).
@mariokart64fan: That is not a solution. If you want to play that game again, then you have to download it again. And once you run out of room on your card, then what? Not play any new games until you've beaten ones you already have, so that you can delete them to have space?
@ratchet989: Umm, that is actually a wildly inaccurate statement. I have a Switch, and the physical versions of Doom and LA Noire both had very hefty downloads.
Guessing these aren't the only 2 games that will require big downloads, even with the physical copy.
aross2004's comments