If they kill off Negan in this season, I would be very surprised. He stuck around for a while in the graphic novels. Don't want to spoil too much on that though, although there's always the chance that they could switch things up for the show.
@jfhdnxcc: BoI: Rebirth on 3DS and WiiU was not edited or had green blood. Afterbirth is basically an expansion to that game and is Rated M for the same content.
@jfhdnxcc: The Switch version of Binding of Isaac is rated M for Blood, Violence and mature content/themes. It's basically pixel graphics, the blood won't be green.
And again, there have been plenty of M rated games on Nintendo hardware that were M rated and not edited.
I've recently been playing Bayonetta 1/2 on WiiU and let me tell you, they're plenty gory.
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