That ending! Dying to find out who got Lucille'd. Will it be a super main character like in the comics, (and let's not forget, Daryll doesn't even exist in the comics), or will it be one of the "secondary" characters, (Sasha, Abraham, Eugene, etc.)?
The way they left us hanging, someone pretty major better get that Lucille facial!
The first game wasn't all it could be, (The Division's gunplay made me feel like it was a refined version of WD's mechanics), but I still mostly enjoyed it. Hope the second is better.
While I'm not in love with a 5GB day one patch, I'm not sure what the big deal is really. I don't think a day one patch, (even one that big), is indicative of an "unpolished" game.
My guess is that they wanted to get the thing out the door after numerous delays & knew that these additional pieces could be added via patch.
I'm guessing we'll still have a rock solid product in UC4, so relax folks.
@malachi: I'm not ungrateful, just seems like for the most part MS is really going with the low hanging fruit on BC. Having that opinion in no way makes me a troll or ungrateful.
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