@kirby-92 with the console's involvement with ESO i keep my hopes on the floor. And i was waiting for Collector's pre-order to buy. Now im considering not to buy.
@CallousIW It is not that much "different market" Pc and Consoles. We call ourselves "Superior" becouse we can upgrade our machines performance anytime we want. We dont wait 7 years to get better graphics , better mechanics etc. etc. We can do almost anything we want on our PC not only games and facebook. While you can only do these 2 , game and facebook. When it comes to games i prefer PC again becouse we got "Total War" series that can own any console exclusive. Buy you'll say not that much people likes "Strategy" genre. So its not that who got the best exclusives. For example im buying console only for the "Fighting" games and most of the exclusives got no multiplayer or any other shooter wannabes , so doesnt interests me much. Leave the exclusive's behind. You buy , lets say Battlefield 4 for 60 bucks and on origin it's the same price. But with sites like kinguin , greenmangaming etc. etc. i buy these games half price. Being expensive at first doesnt matter after 1 year or after 10 - 15 games. And our multiplayer is more stable. And then so many people skips great games on consoles becouse they dont have demos. On PC you pirate everything ( sadly ). So you dont pay for the all games you play. ( Not that im supporting got more than 200 games on both steam / origin and got almost 100 with discs ) So for console player who complains about prices can get hundreds of games for free. No need to wait for PSN to make the game free or new Xbox Live.
Now the narrow-headed Sony brats attacking "Kinect on PC". One More Time " Kinect is not only for Gaming". But nevermind you wont get it until your Moms and Dads get you one.
@gunzlingerbila @arqe eah thats the perfect example for Kinect on PC. 3D modeling , everyone with imagination can create something and make money with help of 3D printers. For a 100$ device , creates so much opportunity. Even it will create new working fields within the companies. But with games its still "Okey" , not bad or not perfect.
@xeoneex66 @arqe We like to call ourselves "Hardcore Gamer" yeah i know. I play games on PC and rarely play on Console.
But %99.9 of these people calling themselves as "Hardcore Gamer" how many of these people actually seen a real game tournament.I didnt said PLAYED on tournament , WATCHED a tournament. I play games when i come home from work until i sleep. And i play good but im no hardcore gamer just a hardcore game addicted person. Like all of us here. So no need to overrate ourselves with this. And i dont remember Microsoft statement with "Kinect is for hardcore gamers" or "Kinect is for gaming". Its just a technology which lets you play interactive games with it. So becouse you dont like it , it doesnt mean its good. Its probably one of the best techonological device of all times.
arqe's comments