@SpicaAntares @arqe @TitanPolaris You must be the comedian of your class ? someone said similar thing to this about economy and everything i explanied them go read "xbox one pricing too high" topic. i live in turkey btw you can go check how our salary goes and check currency differences.i'll give you an example with games "60$ for a brand new game in US right ? in Turkey same game goes with the price of 180 Turkish Lira which is 100$."
@shadowhunter0 @arqe @Lhomity you missed the point. What im arguing since this console wars most of the sony guys are making two-faced comments. First it was why should i pay to play online since i paid for the game. Now they announced that you have to pay for PSN to play online. They immediatly turned and said "if you want better online service you should pay for it". What happened ? I mean those were the crybabies who doesnt wanna pay but now suddenly sony asking same thing and its GOOD for them to pay ? I dont own any sony product and my friends doesn have ms so we play Ps exclusives on his Ps3 and Xbox exclusives on my Xbox and PC for all others.And 1 more thing why i hate Sony. When they announce something they talking like they invented it like "Move" same with nintendo but got extra "shiny balls on it". Indie developer friendly generation ! MS was doing that since 2008. etc etc ....
@BenoftheDead @arqe @cj10239 this can go on forever. So if it is luxury to have a console , why complaining about 100$ if you are not even plan buying. and will say it again : Dont mention Kinect is the only reason for 100$ difference.Xbox got more features if you do like or not. And it comes again to the cellphones.For example S4its fast yes but new features ? How many people did buy Samsung's S4 ( millions of people ) becouse it is new and wont even use and most dont even know the features / apps in it. im not saying people wrong but they are doing "not needed" talks like this.
@bunchanumbers @arqe @bluefox755 Thats the reason i stay away these kind of topics normally. Parents ... If you cant even afford or go buy console for yourself why you even bragging or crying about everything here ? You wont be buying anything if your parents doesnt give you money or allow you to. Go work make money buy your own shits then come and talk about prices they put on games , devices , consoles. I'm working with middle stage salary in Turkey i still pay rent , bills and able to buy High End PC , iPad for playing while shitting and Console with good planning. If i can do this in Turkey ( go check how salary goes in here and compare the prices ) anyone can do it. But not kids who relies on Mothers / Fathers credit card for buying for them. All these wont work if i buy Xbox One for 100$ more ... Peh ...
@bluefox755 Thats what we saying which you STILL dont understant. Why you buying cellphones AUTOMATICALLY ? Are you an idiot ? Why buy becouse its new ? Idea is the same in technology bussiness you paying more becouse it got more features and dont talk only difference Xbox One vs Ps4 is Kinect ... Xbox One got lots and lots of mre features than Ps4 deal with it. You paid 599$ to PS3 crap and i dont see anyone complaining about it ? Becouse you sucked big time you cant even open your mouth to it again. You can buy every single Technological Device for less with less features but still buying the Expensive ones. So Stfu about your double faced comments.
@cj10239 @arqe so you accept everything in technology bussiness but when it comes to Xbox its unacceptable ? You are using smartphone , paying lots of money for it , how many features you using ? Go get 10$ phone only for call and text ? No you wont do it becouse other phone can do more things that you wont use. So dont go with this lowass critics ...
@TitanPolaris @arqe dont get me wrong but you are one of the minority. What i mean by that if you bound to those what you said really thats a problem yes. But %99 of these crybabies are not like you. They are not looking after their families , they are not doing what you do for securing your economical state.They are just kids who buys games with their moms credit cards and becouse their moms doesnt allow them to get more games , they trade games . And still cries about these things like they understand how economy works or something.
@Tiwill44 But think like this. What is kinects problem ? Doesnt have games ...
But MS announced Kinect 2 coming for PC too. So when it comes out for PC development of Kinect games will be easier and with help of PC test will chance to make very good games with them. I mean i tried Kinect with Thu'um ( Skyrim ) not a perfect test but literally yelling " FUS RO DAH " and making it work owns any AAA games i tell you. But like i said when they are able to develop on PC it will be easier and we can see Battlefield or any game that on Battlefield's level ( i mean Next-Gen monster games ) we probably will see Kinect support which actually works.
@lilmcnessy @arqe PSN got its own stream service which allows you to share with only PSN friends not for public like twitch.And with their problematic Online Service they cant make any twitch like system for their own. Not for 5$ monthly at least. ıf they charge 15$ maybe. Accessing TV is not the problem but most of the people ( Lets say %75 ) doesnt have DVR Built-in TV and they need to pay for DVR and which DVR got its own Blu-Ray discdrive ? Im saying you can use only Xbox One for all of them.And you can watch tv while you play or browse internet with Kinect voice. Not saying its all needed at once but PS4 had the same development time with Xbox but doesnt have any of these features or anything new from the old console. What Sony did was put hardware together and thats all. Not saying bad console or anything i just prefer Xbox over PS. Even if it was only for the "Project Spark" i'd still choose Xbox.
arqe's comments