@ExplosivePants Well, that's not an ignorant, naive comment at all.I've played BF3 on both PS3 and PC. The PS3 version doesn't compare to the PC version but it's still a fantastic experience. It's not even close to "awful".So shut up, you freaking moron.
@Suikogaiden If the damage is done and it doesn't matter, then would all the people who hated the ending stfu? I'm getting tired of them STILL moaning and groaning on all corners of the interweb.Cheers.
@GTO_Shabs EA servers are as horrible as the P2P connection in Call of Duty.Both companies are money grubbing b*stards. At least EA have the better of the devs in DICE. Just wished DICE could publish their own games.
Alex Navarro @alex_navarro I hope the new Mass Effect 3 ending is just Shepard turning to the camera and flipping you dual birds while humming C-Lo's "Eff You." -------- This. Oh god this. If Bioware alter rather than expand upong the game's ending; I will never buy any product of theirs again, I will refuse to acknowledge them as a studio; the (potential) spineless k.n.o.b.$. IT'S YOUR BLOODY GAME that you spend 10 years developing. You end it how you feel it should be ending - not what the moaning, groaning, 5 year old "fans" think it should have ended like.
arsenal1111's comments