@Taz_12_Dave lol microsoft has a license for phishing all your private information away. i bet when you activate your xbox1 theres a terms and conditions agreement that anything that is recorded by kinect is owned by microsoft, meaning all your footage and conversations picked up by it. wow gg, say goodbye to privacy.
@cracktower ps4 is more powerful than xbox1, and you want them to port the games to pc from xbox1 ? doesnt make sense, plus open gl runs much better than direct x in most cases.
$400 million they will now try to milk out of your pockets, plus the EA deal. all these partnerships will add up, which mean microsoft will find nifty ways to take your hard earn money.
@viper666 @gobluebuckeye they only thing thats gonna make them realize they are F'ing up is nobody buy their system, when they lose money for putting out crap products then they will try hard to earn your money.
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