@Solace427 @arsy130 yeah, i wasnt tryin to flame you btw, just saying. i fixed it though plus i have a old 60gb one. im sure you'll go for the ps4 if you got the money. i doubt microsoft is going to have better games anyways.
@grim_agent @penguinmania420 @griver_heart nintendo doesnt go for top of the line benchmark breaking graphics dont expect it to have better chips or spec than a ps4. considering nintendos always sell for like $300 MAX !
@Solace427 @arsy130 even if you see the console you wont be able to see that unless they release pictures on it. all i ask from them is that the solder the damn chips and everything on the motherboard the right way. i already had my 80gb piano ps3 get ylod because of that.
@Solace427 to me design really isnt important. this thing can look like a dreamcast for all i care as long as the performance kills everyone elses. would you really care more if you got a beautiful console and it sucked performance wise, compared to a powerful piece of work that looks like a frikin atari2600 ? come on you really must be a frikin interior designer. no wonder you got flamed over at w.e the other site was.
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