As a long time fan of the series since the first, I could not be more disappointed with how THIS is what Sega decides to revive the series with? Less features and modes than the last two installments…
I don’t expect to see any licensed properties, but please, Capcom, give us Red Earth, Three Wanders, Knights of the Round,Eco Fighter, Last Duel, Super Puzzle Fighter, Fighters Gem mini mix, and the Darkstalkers games.
@madsnakehhh: Nail on the head. Had this been part of a 35th anniversary collection, it would be the weakest of the bunch and likely skipped over. As is, there isn’t a chance of me getting it.
Back during the early days of Xbox, Sega would have been a. Perfect fit. Panzer dragoon, Otogi, Toe Jam & Earl, Spikeout, Outrun, Jet Set Radio Future.
If Sega was still making these sort of games, I’d be all for MS buying them.
Artemis-V's comments