I'd been wondering if this would get PS4 release or not on account of it being a licensed game. Awesome game and one I never actually finished. Definitely going to download at some point.
Anybody know if Banner Saga 2 has any sort of file transfer feature? I already have the first Banner Saga on the PS4 but might jump at the sequel on Xbone for a Games with Gold.
@dwilson8504: Same here, though I've read a rumor going around as of late that the PS4 version may have been cancelled on. Take that with a grain of salt.
I'm disappointed, but not particularly surprised. IMO, the series peaked at the second game and has gotten progressively worse with each new title since. Looks like I'll be wating for Ni No Kuni II to get my JRPG fix on the PS4.
I didn't realize users could be banned/penalized for what's deemed as an offensive name. Not that I necessarily care or that it really bothers me, but I've come across some rather...questionable usernames on PSN.
Artemis-V's comments