Excellent price for one of the best multiplayer games this generation. IMO, it just about ties with Splatoon. (best new IP this gen) Oddly enough, I'm also under the opinion that both games have forgettable campaigns not worth replaying though...
@darkrayne: Multiplat titles are PC for me. (few exceptions)
...but as far as consoles go, I prefer the Xbone's controller. Either way, good to own all three. Even if "adulting" doesn't always allow time to play them.
@xboticon: Really? As a multiconsole/PC owner, I mostly only see the Sony guys here coming to boast and "worship plastic box and corporation". The MS people are pretty much done for this gen...
Don't regularly comment on Destiny articles (haven't touched the game in over a year) but this is the most ridiculous should have been in the game since day 1 feature ever....
@sladakrobot: I actually quite like the artstyle of this game. I find it reminiscent of late 90's Disney animation; but I totally get how you feel. It's how I feel about Battleborn. I find the visual look of it's character horrendous.
@turretx7: Unless it has an arcade style mode with no loadouts or gimmicks, I just don't care to play it. Not saying I won't try it out, but I'm getting this entirely for the campaign.
Artemis-V's comments