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artsterisyours Blog

my life in blogs 3 the blogs strike back

UGH! I AM SOO BORED TODAY ! i CANT THINK OF ANYTHUNG FUNNY TO BLOG ABOUT TODAY! Well i could blog about not having anything to blog about today. Nah thats un original, I cant believe its only my third day here an im already having bloggers block! I know just what to blog about! Remember last time when i told you about my phone ringing in class? Well finnally its out of the vault! It all started in 3rd period, i forgot to turn my phone off then, My not to be named teacher called on me for a presentation soo i walked up there and started to present a project that i hated with all my hate. Half way through i paused and BBRRIINNGG BBRRIINNGG! [i changed my text sound to match an annoying call] My cellphone started ringing and buzzing, the teacher looks up and waits before calmly saying"go on keep going nothings happening i want to hear the rest." If you had heard it it sounded not like she heard it but didnt care but she didnt even hear it! Hooray i remembered something to blog about! See Ya next time and cross your fingers that i dont run out of catchy blog titles!

My life in Blogs 2 revenge of the blog

Im so happy your reading my blog! Today as i was running late to class with all my stuff falling out of my hands i ran and tripped over a friends backpack and rolled down the stairs like a cartoon character[if this is your first time to read my blog i write/type stupid stuff that happens to me on a daily basis]. After walking into a wall i felt so foolish. Then as i started to walk to my classroom, a teacher went out of her way to walk up a say to me "stop fooling around!!" I was so angry, but alas[yes i said alas.] i couldn't do anything about itso i went on with my daily life. But in 3rd period i got a text saying "haha" while i was giving a project presentation but thats another story.....

My life in blogs

Today was un-fabulous, I was sick for one day. ONE DAY! And I had homework up to my 5"4 head! ThenI had the homework for that night too! It was all due the next day. I was up till school started the next day with only make-up work finished so I did it all on my way to school, when I was finished I gave it all to my teacher and she laughed and told me it was due the next day! I asked her why she didnt tell me yesterday and she said...... I FORGOT! I was soooo angry. Thanks for reading todays blog! tell your friends! PLEASE.