I thought that for my latest blog, I'd do something that isn't just a little anecdote about what games I'm currently playing. So here it is, my Top 10 Video Game Characters, hope you enjoy reading it :D
10.Frank West from Dead Rising
I'll start off my top 10 with Frank West. Photojournalist. Conspiracy cracker. Zombie Killer. Starting out with only a camera and his wits, West is dropped into a zombie infested mall, and has 72 hours to figure out what is happening so he can write a great story when he escapes. He is voiced to perfection, and the way his character is scripted makes him unusually likeable (for a journalist anyway :P).
9.Sam Fisher from the Splinter Cell games
I remember the first time I played Splinter Cell. I passed the first level (after an hour of frustration) and then got horribly stuck on level 2. Undeterred, I went on to complete the game (albeit very slowly). I've completed every Splinter Cell game since. So Fisher is here mostly out of nostalgia.
8.Mario from Super Mario Bros.
Would any Video Game Prontagonists list be complete without the red capped plumber making an appearance? From his first outing in Super Mario Bros. to his latest in Super Mario Galaxy, Mario has been consistenly great, with awesome catchphrases such as 'It's a'me! Mario!' and 'Mamma Mia!' Mario is just a completely loveable character and the star of many great games.
7.The 'Guy' from GTA III
My favourite GTA character yet. And yes, I know they gave him a name in San Andreas, but I refuse to accept it! He'll always just be The 'Guy' to me :D. I loved how the only way he communicated with anyone was by nodding at them after they told him who/what to blow up/steal/kill etc..
6.Sir Auron from Final Fantasy X
Despite being the strongest playable character in Final Fantasy X, Auron was incredibly cool headed and had an enigmatic past, that was slowly revealed throughout the story (including a shocking twist near the end).
5.Max Payne from Max Payne
Another great character from Rockstar. His character is developed through noirish comic book strips backed up by dialogue. It's the age old Noir story of a man out for revenge. And I made sure that I used the picture above, because it looks like he's just sucked on a lemon :lol:
4.Solid Snake from Metal Gear Games and Metal Gear Solid Games
I remember being in school, probably around the year 2000 and as a treat for being good that week, our teacher let us bring things in like board games etc. One guy, however had brought in his PS1 and was playing a game called Metal Gear Solid. He was reluctant to actually let me have a go, but I stared on in awe as he snuck around dispatching guards and fighting very big robots. I asked my mum if she would buy the game for me, but she said no, because it was a 15 and I can only have been about 8 at the time. So I forgot about it until MGS3 came out on the PS2, which I loved, and it quickly became my favourite game (even though it doesn't star Solid Snake) and now, about 8 years on from that first time I saw MGS, MGS4 is one of my favourite games, and Solid Snake is one of my favourite characters.
3.Agent 47
Bald head, Fibre Wire, Barcode tattoo. Surely Agent 47 has to be the number 1 person who you don't want to bump into in a dark alley! He manages to sneak into almost anywhere, kill his target and sneak out undetected. But he doesn't do it by crawling in through air vents, he walks in through the front door, wearing a disguise, conviniently 'borrowed' from the guy taking a leak in the car park.
2.Link from Legend of Zelda games
When I was growing up, Ocarina of Time was my favourite video game. The sprawling epic-ness of being able to free roam and do what you want was just awesome. Also deserving some credit though, was the game's main character, Link. The Hero of Time, saving the land of Hyrule armed only with a sword, shield and magical Ocarina. Also worth a mention are Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass, 2 games that changed the graphical presentation to cel-shaded cartoony graphics, and starred a younger descendant Link over 100 years after the events of Ocarina of Time. Link is quite simply Nintendo's greatest creation.
1.Big Boss (aka Naked Snake) from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Yes, my number 1 video game prontagonist is Big Boss from MGS3. Not only is he the star of my favourite game, but his story is very intriguing. After his story is completed in MGS4, you begin to see that although he was branded a criminal by the government, his intentions were good all along, and that for his whole life following operation Snake Eater, he felt horribly empty after killing his friend and mentor, The Boss.
So that's it, if you have any comments, please post them, and any feedback on how to improve my next blog would be greatly appreciated :D
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