“Smoother than Default” is a texture pack that focuses on making minecraft more appealing to the eye and the general look of the game. The default minecraft textures have been modified and changed and it still remains at 16×16. Some texture changed a lot and some very little. However, sometimes even the little things make a big difference. “Smoother than Default” aims to keep it similar to default but giving a nicer and smoother look to the game.
Download here: http://www.9minecraft.net/smoother-default-resource-pack/ (you must copy and paste this link to addressbar)
Step into a world of Renaissance intrique with Assassini-Costruttori. With this richly detailed and historical pack, you can create anything from a quaint Italian villa to the Sistine chapel- even recreate scenes from the Assassin’s Creed games for the ultimate old-school parkour experience!
Download here: http://www.9minecraft.net/assassini-costruttori-nuovo-resource-pack/ (you must copy and paste this link to addressbar)
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