OK, well most of the shows i watch have had a disapointing season (so far...).
Lost: Well so far nothing too excting has happened this season, except for the fall season finale cliffhanger and Mr. Eko's death. It doesn't bother me too much however because we are only 6 episodes in and we have 17 more to go. So i have faith that it will get better, i belive that once Kate and Sawyer eventually get back to the other island things will start to get interesting with the others, cause they will not be happy :( . Also i think that we need some other caracters like Charlie, Locke, Sayid and more... need to have bigger roles and perhaps find the fricken flame hatch and more needs to happen in resolving the Dharma mystery.
Prison Break: Ahh Prison Break, well some of you might know what i think about the new season because i made a thread, saying that i'm not afan of season 2, and almost everybody disagreed. I don't like the turnover of characters, my favaourite element of the show is dead, Veronica, she provided a very cool way of getting to the bottom of the cover up, that was my favourite part of season 1, although her death was kinda good in the way they did it i still am disapointed because now it is more one story. Also Mahone, ah don't get me started on Mahone, they introduced him as somebody who is completly obssesed with catching the fox river 8 and will do anything to catch them, but i didn't like the way that they tried to make us care for him, they introduced the pill popping side of him, which i thought was dumb because we didn't have time to care about him to be sad that he was taking pills. I am glad that they haven't killed Sara because i like her. I don't want them to really kill of anyone else (except t-bag), but the creater said that nobody is safe and it's likley that most will die.
Smallville: WOW, what a crappy season, by that i mean it has some CRAPPY filler epiosdes, like Subteranin, Static and Wither (altough Wither wasn't THAT bad). The general story line with Lex getting eviler (not a real word i know) and Green Arrow and Lois and Jimmy and stuff has been good, and the next epiosde Justice is supposed to be really good and the previous episode Hydro was good. I just overall and not so happy because this is season 6 so it should have no stupid filler episodes (altough it might be hard cause it is season 6 and they could be running out of ideas). I have faith that it will get better.
Oh and i hate Lex and Lana, anyone else agree? I am also not a fan of Clark and Lana cause we all no that will never have a happy ending cause of Lois. The trailer that has Clark saying "Lex is building an army" is really exciting, so i hope it gets better cause i'm pretty sure it will.
The O.C.: Well most people over at the OC boards say that season 4 is the best season, but i definatly have to disagree, season 1 was by far the best season, infact season 4 is my least favourite. II don't like Ryan and Taylor, i think it's VERY wierd, especially if you have seen season 3, cause it makes no sense. The countdown has begun, only 6 more episodes to go one of which will show the character when they are younger. I think 9 Ryan, Seth, Summer, Taylor and maybe a young Marissa, and 17 for Sandy, Julie and Kirsten, obviously not together because i highly doubt that they had kids when they were 8. Anyway, not my favourite season i just hope that the series finale is good, and leaves they show concluded.
Veronica Mars: Well it not gonna say that this season is bad , because it's the most exciting time of my week (i know im sad :( ) but it's the weakest season, i think it's due to a couple of reasons, #1 it has know season long mystery, unless Rob Thomas tricked us and something more happens with Dick saying "I'v screwed up". #2 the college curse, i have noticed that alot of my favourite shows have gone downhill in the first year they go to college, i have noticed this with Buffy, Smallville, The OC and now Veronica Mars. And those are the only shows that i watch that have college (i think). I belive that the second half will provide some more origional Veronica Mars, well i hope anyway, it is still very enjoyable so i'm not really that worried.
Well other shows like Heroes (which is in it's first season) and 24 are the same quality as when they began, which was 10 episodes ago for Heroes i know, but still.
So enjoy my rant, ignore the bad spelling and grammer and please tell me your thoughts
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