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atlantismonkey Blog

new n old icons

like the new one? its from the second bankai , when Rangiku walks up to Hitsugaya and goes Tai-chou-puuu~ XD its so funny in the show , here's some more that I found

Renji gets caught off gurd by the stage moving and almost falls on Byakuya :lol: the whole thing is funnier at the very end of part 14 of The All


Hitsugaya scares Rangiku,I remember this part in the manga 'they almost fell out' :lol:


forgot wehat show this is from


Bleach chapter 336 review

I is not happy with this chapter, Though I'm starting to remember why I liked Momo, if she can keep sane throughout the whole fight , she might get moved up a spot :lol: but it was very gruesome 0.o HT will be pissed :| my reactions to the chapter:








NAOYAAAAA- I mean HISAGIIIIIIIIIII (Naoya played hi in Burimyu)


Some art stuff XD

I've been doing alot more art and coloring lately, so I figured its time for some plugging of my DA page :lol:

Mah art

NOW TELL ME HOW MUCH IT SUCKS :D I mean, it, I need critisism , I've been doing manga style art for awhile now, I know it needs improvement , but exactly what I can't seem to see :P I need outside critisism , I won't get mad, promise :P

I totally pwned vista XD

warning: use of large bold letters because I rock so hard


'kay I done now XP :lol: Okay so hpowe I fixed it was I used my brain and restored my system to the day before the computer restored itself :D The simplest solution is always best , wish I would have thought of that a week ago T.T

I'M BACK!!!!!!

I officially hate vista T.T

last night I turned on my computer and it said 'windows failed to start' and I was given the choice to 'attempt to start normally' or 'launch repair to restore computer to a time when it worked properly, no personal files will be altered (recommended) " so I stupidly listened to the recommendation, and when the computer finally started, the setting and everything were what I had a month ago :| no pixs or writing files were messed with, so okay, but now I can't connect to the internet, FUNNY THING it connects fine to my network, which has a perfect interenet connection, but its just to stupid to see that the network reallly is connected to the interenet ! my sis's computer is working perfectly fine, so I have no way to find out why it just won't comprehend there is a connection (how is that even possible?)

please continue to comment on my other blog too, I want everyone's opinion :D

should I do a weekly Bleach review??

I was thinking on how I usually write a review of some sorts on each Bleach chapter, and it came to mind doing a vid for it might be good. You guys can see I never write much, so a vid would be good for someone like me who can never put into writing what they mean XD plus, the jokes I write and my enthusiam are hard to portray other than doing [sarcastic]thats awesomeness to the power of win[/sarcastic] or YAYSZOMGHECAMEANDDIDIT!!!XDDXFXDYTE#$QW^$# which can get annoying.

Plus, on Youtube I have 80 subscribers, they are so useless though, :lol: If you like my vids enough to want to watch any new ones I make can't you just give me the tiniest bit of feedback or rate the vid? :| please X3 I think they need to be put to good use :D

I'm I bit nervous cuz no one one here knows what I look like except DB, Konneh, and Hannah :lol: -hides- but I was going to post cosplay pix LIKE A YEAR AGO (remeber from last halloween? I still can't find that $%^*** camera T.T ) so either way, :|

nyaa, I can't decide you guys need to help me so I don't look like a total fool if I do and suck :P

watching the vote

It's Election Day! head to the polls and such , and we finally get a new president!! :D I'm rooting for Obama, but I'm not registered to vote, so I can do nothing :lol: apparently there has been a record high turnout of voters , so thats good. :lol:

edit: Obama is ahead!! :D

que hyperventalating

ashcfkhagfvludlu!!!!!!1 khgfclgdludsclgjkg c:LJHVBXD;JHBDF;KJVB;KLJ BB;ZDLJHV HJBXFLVBLKJVLJKFSDLJ


lolz, translation:

At the asian gift store in the mall, they have Bleach swords :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I was shopping in there, lookingat the swords and saw sode no shirayuki :o :shock: yeah, I about had a **** heart attack :lol: I GOT TO TOUCH IT~ It was so pretty, so perfect, :D I asked if they had any others ( I only noticed shirayuki because of the white) and the had both zangetsus and hyorinmaru :D I want hyorinmaru so bad, but the sword of it was..okay, I don't know, it was a little different: colors darker and looked more 'real' , and the cookie was different :lol: but I think if I got it, with some minor modifications it'd be perfect :P the best was Zangetsu, cuz it was so big in the anime, the one theyhad was the normal sword size ,it was like a little chiba zangetsu, so amazingly cute X3 they hadtensa zangetsu too :D but they're real swords, steel blades, and heavy as heck :| so I could never bring one to a con , but still, so amazed :lol:

Wins and Fails

I fail with keeping up appearances , I really do :|

Not my fault XD

I got Persona 3 , it is the best game ever made :D I haven't been able to pry myself away from it since I got it, 4 days (including today) at 26 hrs 32mins (not counting resets X3 ) thats a little less than 7 hrs a day :lol: omg I have no life T.T :P I see most people have left/or stopped blogging anyways, of course they have the valid reason of school :lol: not me

I really need to work on my cosplay for Halloween, I wanted to do Rangiku, but I don't have the lt badge, and my stupid dark hair refuses to be lightened T.T how many times can you dye your hair in a week before it startrs getting damaged? :P I am probably going to be Momo again , I don't like her anymore, so I'll just say I'm Saito Kumiko in costume :D :D no one will be the wiser XP

I find you guys later XD

Bleach Review ^.^spoilers

So I'm back on gamespot XD I tried, between random switching of my pix and icons, phantom comments, and strnge double posts, I decided its still a no-go :lol:So for some Bleach


All I got to say is this is why I love Rangiku :lol: She cracks m e up, and her zanpakuto is freaking amazing :D we finallly got to see exactly what is does , about time :P I was a little annoyed that as soon as Ht started fighting, they switched away, still good.


New op and ed themes are out :D thouigh the opening looks like it shpould be for where we are right now in the manga instead of the anime :lol: I understand they always foreshadow whats ahead, but a little to much maybe? or the anime really is that close to the manga :| We are finally back ti the story...after ten minutes of flashbacks :| as for the rest of the story, Nel was hilarious, Orihime was annoying, Ichigo was Ichigo, Nnoitoira was creepy, and Grimmjow was dead sexy :D I loved the ending -sings along-

oh and another thing, why wasn't Hanatarou in the opening???? when they showed everyone walking in Hueco Mundo, Hanatarou is the only one left out , was he forgotten??? :|
