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atlantismonkey Blog

thats not right 0.o

Have you ever randomly forgotten a little snippet about some anime or manga, like a person's name, weapon, attack, etc. Happens to me often, and I eventually remember it later. However, this is the first time I've completely spaced out 3 entire Bleach fights :| -slight spoilers ahead-

So it all started when I was talking with Pish about Grimmjow,and about upcoming fights in the anime, when I mentioned ' oh, yeah I think he dies anyways so..' and realized I have no goddamm idea wether or not he dies. I can't remember anything about him fighting either Ulquioora or Ichigo, except his flashbacks and that his released state is a jaguar, maybe :lol: I completely remember Szyael's fight, but evewrything else up until the last 10 chapters or so is a blur . I DO remember Grimmjow took Orihime someplace, Ulquiorra fought Ichigo and stabbed him, then, somethin or other happended, Nel turned back into and adult, Then her released state was a cenatuar type thing, the Nnnnn came sometime in there.

WTF :lol: I am going crazy? completely forgetting that much stuff, wow, Me sure is a genius :lol: I'm going to go re-read Bleach now and save myself from further embarrasment :P

-glues self to site-

Anime is tiring me out :| I finally decided to catch up on the bleach anime (I only started watching to anime portion online the past few months) I skipped the Bounto arc, and now me and my sister are glued to the computer 24/7.:D Even though were about to the new episode, I kinda want to see the Bounto arc *cough*novaissodammhot*cough* so my absense will stretch out even longer :lol: that and finishing a certain other anime that is taking up 4.28 GB of space on my computer :|

A happy late V-day to everyone :P I'm much happier now because my mom got me chocolates I can eat.-is allergic to most types- Woohoo for finally getting chocolate again!!

spoilerific NarutoBleach

Spoilers for new Bleach and Naruto chapters and episodes, been meaning to do more weekly observations and reveiws for awhile no but have been to lazy, meh, just read:lol:

-thoughts on Bleach chapter 309-

have only seen some spoiler pics so will add more when chapter is released

So Kenpachi's down, Ichigo might fight, and Nnnnnn is released into a praying mantis. :| wow, sooo exciting, . I am just so pissed off that Kenpachi only gets barely 2 chapters to fight and , first off, he gets stuck with Nnnnn, WHO I HATE :|, and he doesn't get any cool new fighting moves or anything. and I really want to see if Nel's okay :cry: and see Yachiru, those two would be hilarious together

-thoughts on Naruto chapter 389-
not sure if that the correect number but ehh, and have only seen raws so revised coming up

OMG!! can it finallly be???? Sasgay's getting MAIMED?? KILL HIM ITACHI!! KICK HIS A$$$!!yesh! the best day of my.......wait.........stop!! NOOO............ , he's okay?!?!? WTF , an illusion? WHY WON"T HE EFFING DIE!!! Itachi you suck!
and that was pretty much my commentary on the whole chapter :|

and question- why are so many Itachi fangirls pissed at the recent chapters? Did that many people like him because they thought he was misunderstood? He is the best anime bad-a** EVER, did you really want him to be some poor totured emo who gets redeemed and then its like nothing ever happened? I just don't get it :|

-On Bleach episode 159-

I've Finally figured it out!!! I have been so confused for so long on what Ulquiorra looks like, but it just came to me when watching the episode! HE'S A DINOSAUR!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: look really closely and see what I mean, :P it just fits so well , I bet thats what his release is, I can't remember if he's released or not :| I need to re-read the manga because my memory is so poor, ANYWAYS- He reminds me so much of a dinosaur, I don't know exactly why, but he is , just wait and see :lol:

and the episode was good :P

and no comments on Shippuden because I just don't like the crappy animation :|



I can barely blog anymore, its like, an internet block T.T good Bleach chgapter this week , so yeah nice :|

Survey nyaaanyaa

this looks kool :P so I'm doing it

Stolen from Konneh who stoled from Shini who stoled from Espen

1.) Name: not telling cuz I hate my name :P

2.) Country you were born in: the USA

3.) Birthday: Oct 7

4.) Part of lyric that was last in your mind: 'What do you sing, what do you chant, I am the ugly duckling, I've lost my "wings."'-from coo quack cluck by Miyavi, I had to look up the translation :D

5.) Where am I right now: living room

6.) Highlight of this week: nothing really :cry:

7.) last person I went to eat with: Dad

8.) what am I scared of: crickets and cicadas

9.) Last movie I watched: I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry , funny as he11

10.) last thing I downloaded in my computer:some BL songs

11.) How many houses I've lived in? 9 including apartments

12.) last friend I talked to online: dunno, I've been MIA the past few days :lol:

13.) Has anyone said you looked like a celebrity? nope :P

14.) Do you speak any other language: nuh-uh , want to learn Japanese and Polish

15.) Job? searching :P

16.) Plan to go to college: Yes

17.) for or against same sex marriage: FOR!! 100% absolutely support ALL the gays and lesbians everywhere who unfairly prejudiced , especially my sister!

18.) Should gays be allowed to adopt? THEY MAKE A HELL OF ALOT BETTER PARENTS THEN HETEROES!

19.) What's your view on the war in Iraq? suport the troop, not the war

20.) If I could live in another place, where would it be and why? Soul Society! XD

21.) What animals best represents me? wolf :D rawr

22.) If I could meet anyone, who would it be? Hitsugaya :lol: who else

23.) If I could go back in time, where would I go? Visit Jane Austen :D

24.) One superpower I would have and why? shinigami powers :P

25.) My life's theme song: Jesus of Suburbia by Green Day

Are You...

29.) hugger or handhaker? I don't likepeople touching me unless they're in cosplay :D yeah, I'm weird :lol:

30.) morning or nightime person:very Nocturnal,

31.) perfectionist? yes, very:lol:

32.) religious belief: Atheist , but I'd be buddhist if I could :lol: seriously

33.) lefty or righty: Righty

34.) Number: 99

35.) Color: Green

36.) Season: Summer

37.) Holiday: Christmas

38.) TV Program: Animes

39.) Movie: Blade Trinity :D

40.) Band: The GazettE

41.) Songs: Freedom Fighters

42.) Actor: the guy who plays Sean on Pysch :lol:

43.) Restaurants: McDonald's

44.) Food: cocktail shrimp XD

45.) pizza topping: black olives

46.) ice cream flavor: mint

47.) Board games: I like Risk, world domination FTW!!

48.) helped a stranger in need: nope

49.) lied to your dearest friend? yup

50.) cheated on a test? Like I need to :lol: people also cheat off me though T.T

51.) Turned to someone when they did something wrong? nope

52.) Stolen something before? nope, not even a candy bar :lol: I'm uber boring

53.) drank alcohol:yup, Jack Daniels and Dr Pepper is YUM :P BUT DRINKING IS BAD KIDS!!! NEVER EVER DO IT!

54.) smoke?used to AGAIN VERY BAD KIDS!!!!

55.) ran away from home? Nope

56.) been picked up by the police? Nope

57.) what annoys you most in a person? girly girls WHO NEVER STOP TALKING T_T my gawd I hate hearing people b*tch about their lives

58.) bedtime? none

59.) three things I can't live without:music, freinds, manga

60.) would you take a bullet for someone you love? I probably would if it came down to it :lol:

61.) how do I want to die? any way but drowning or suffocating

62.) God? not just one

63.) Miracles: yes

64.) love at first sight? no way -agrees with 'Lust at first sight'-

65.) Ghosts? absolutely

66.) Aliens: yes, there smart enough to stay away though

67.) Heaven? reincarnation or haunting

68.) Hell? nope

69.) Angels? not in the christian sense of itbut yes

70.) kissing on the first date:I don't date so idk

71.) Horoscope? entertaining

72.) Fate: karma:D


resigning indefinelty BTW, once again check editorships but thats it , BYez

Banning Spree?

I don't want to get banned!:cry:doubt I will since I've only had 2 ToS in the almost 2 years I've been here, but being as it is most likely a glitch, I still am going to hide for awhile :| Being as I have so many editorships and contributions that toke FOEREVER, I'm not taking any chances, so bye, will still check my queue often, but other than that will be waiting for news

Good Luck Everyone!

~Lt. Plush pwns~

Help! Konneh/Spazz was banned

I hope its a glitch,:cry; :cry::cry:

I'll miss you!!!!! hope its just a glitch :|

bye now, I have to go talk to her on msn,:lol: woo, those seconds were grueling :P

message from Konneh:



finaaly got around to watching the new episode of bleach, I only had the raw though, so it didn't do me much good, but the funny thing was they still had the commercials and everything else in there, and evertime one came on for a bleach game or trading cars or whatever,I would sit and say 'I want that"..."and that"...."really want that"...."gotta have that too" :lol: I liked the new ending them for the episode though, didn't seem like they kept the previous one for many episodes though, or was it just my imagination? oh well, thought it was a good overall episode :D

this sounds more like a review then a blog T.T huh..


waahh major spoiler Im warning you

[spoiler] Oh My Gawd...this chapter was horrid!!! great, but horrid! I have tears in my eyes...I really think Inuyasha is going to kill Rin I know its ending, and now there's now reason to keep her alive, I had guessed since the arc started Inuyasha was going to have to kill one of them in his youkai state to add to the story, I knew kagome needs to be around, and I always assumed that it would be from his own group, but now I really think Rin is going to die, that would motivate Sess more than anything, and especially since they had reached a resolve, It makes sense RT would have to do something to keep the rivalry there.... THIS EFFING SUCKS!!! [/spoiler]

I hate mangas TT.TT

AND SCREW YOU HTML AND TAGS CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!