Orange Box by far (followed closely by Cod4 and H3). portal alone is worth 60$? who is that stupid? 60$ for 2 and a half hours? maybe instead of giving us a so-so MP game, an interesting but WAY too short portal experience, and the overrated Halflife games, they should have concentrated on making 1 game.
I have been playing on xbox live with the same group of people for about 2 and a half years. Awesome times, Awesome Games. I wanna meet up with them and touch them!aDDiKt24
Halo 3 got a better score because Microsoft well, they bought every magazine/site/ ... out for giving it good scores. It was the same with Halo 2 too, first everyone praised it like it was a god and then after two years the most of them admit it was rated far too high. This will be the same I guess. And Call of Duty 4 rules :Pbluearmykid
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