@bdrtfm: Ps4 (or xbox one) dont need to be replaced at all.I for one will buy ps 4 neo and x one s simply because I was unable to buy ps4 and x 1 until now. Cant wait for xone s and ps 4 neo *-*
Monster Hunter Online (offline separated from online mode to avoid offline hacked items to go to online server. Potential to be a great Mmo?
Pokemon stadium Nx (having also online with several modes would be nice too)
Final Fantasy Tactics Nx (online mode could have ...30 different classes and would be random. 6 vs 6 players? Spells and equipment of each player to be choosed before match with limitations ? I love imagining xD
Metroid Nx (with real good multiplayer online) would be nintendo shooter?
Animal crossing Continent (with 10 times more items furniture ... the biggest animal crossing ever?)
People love to play online so having that option is always nice :) And shooter fans could fall in love with Metroid Nx multiplayet online if nintendo do a good work :)
@atomolog: If the ps4 neo is small enough Ill make it a case with a tv to bring it with me on the road (truck driver for life here hahaha) and Ill have both top playstation and xbox on my truck inside custum cases with tvs xD
I am already very happy with the xbox one s since its smaller so I can build a case with a tv to take with me to my truck. X one was too big to become a (laptop) hahaha. Ill play the x one s until the scorpio comes in slim version ;) pre ordered the 2 tera one s cant wait to play on the road :D
A great idea indeed. Ps4 in 2017 at 250 and 300. Ps4 Neo at 400 or 450 or 500. (Being the difference the gb/teras of the hardrive). Both will play the same games (ps4 normal and neo improved) and both will be the same console allowing for people with less money to buy the ps4 and people that want a stronger machine to buy neo. Personally I think its a great idea and I dont understand why so many people are angry with having two options instead of one.
Atomolog's comments