People cant accept that scorpio will run 4k 60fps high settings. They try to ignore all the information calling it bot spam and then attacking scorpio all over again.
I own a ps4 pro and I love it. Will keep playing on my pro for a long time. But Scorpio is without doubt a monster 4k native machine. Im surelly gonna get one :)
@Macutchi: you got ps4 ans xbox one. with switch you will have the entire collection (or new 3ds xl much cheaper and with many great titles) and being the portable machine (new 3ds xl fits in pocket just fine or the normal new 3ds with optional cover change) while switch is much bigger (not pocket friendly. but can be carried in bag) xD
Anyeay with ps4 and xbox one you got enough games for a life time hahah
@AzatiS: Id love to agree with you. But both xbox one and ps4 have lots of sales just like steam. I got most of my games for 9 and 19€ each (brand new on physical store or digital on sales). Ocasionally I pay 29€ for a game and very rarelly 39 for recent games.
Just buy on sales (that happens all the time all over the place) and games will come out pretty cheap.
@raugutcon: why do I need to go through all that trouble? why dont they make x360 free with gold games downloadable with 1 click just like xbox one free with gold games?
Well. Xbox one s can be found for 250€ 500gb with a game (I even got for 239€ on sale with battlefield one).
Considering you gonna buy it on sale for cheap it brings a 4k hdr disk player for 4k hdr movie disks. Also for such cheap price xbox one s can run games like gears of war and halo at 1080p 60fps.
price quality it is good
(I own ps4 pro xbox one s pc and switch) and my opinion is that if you get xbox one s 500gb on sale it is a good purchage
I loved assassim creed 1. 2. brotherhood an revelations. Got 3 but something was off. Maybe Ive grown attached to altair (cult of serial killers for a better world) or to ezio auditori (serial killer for revenge and justice).
But most recent assassins creed are set on periods of time with guns. That might be what I dislike.
This new one on ancient Egipt can be big for me. Yet Im gonna wait for more information
I own nintendo switch ps4 pro xbox one s and pc with 1070 8gb i7 7700k 16gb ram (8x2).
Yet I find myself playing gears of war 4 on xbox one s. I like ranked matches more (xbox one controllers only and xbox one players only) but also most my friends play on xbox one so why would I go to pc if I want ranked (not social) and want to play with xbone friends?
Nintendo switch and ps4 pro are used mostly for exclusives (just like xbox one s since you cant play gears of war ranked on pc it is kinda exclusive and several other games that are exclusive too on xbox one).
And now the shocking truth. Yea pc graphics on ultra are better but not a universe better like people paint it. Its not an important difference in my book.
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