Just a few days ago i just got Civilization IV a TBS game with a lot of history. The firs time I've played Civilization was about 12-13 yeas ago on an 286 and I was crazy about it, I think it was the very first strategy game I've ever played. Not so long ago the forth series of this franchyse was released.
Improvments include: 3d Graphics, better AI, improved multiplayer modes.
The game has 1 big downside, at least in my case. It crashes very often, usually every 800 years (in the game). Good thing it has auto save mode. Oh.. and another thing. The game gets more and more slower as you progress through the game.
This game is currently in my Now Playing list. When I'll finish one game and a patch will be released, maybe I'll write a review.
auras_jc Blog
PRIVATE LIFE: Nici azi n-am fost la scoala!
by auras_jc on Comments
Da.. la noi la scoala s-a reinceput de miercuri cursurile. Eu nu am fost ieri fiindca ma obisnuiseeeem asa de muuuult :) acasa, m-am facut ca nu am auzit zvon-urile. Iar ca sa nu stric traditia nu ma voi duce nici maine.
by auras_jc on Comments
English version:
This is a personal blog and it is addressed to my friends but also to unknown people. Because I may swear in some of my posts or I may judge some people here this blog is off limits to any of my/my friends parents/teachers, so please respect my privacy. OK?
Also, I won't write all my posts in english so if you are a gamespot user, sorry, but I'll write in english only my posts related to games.
Have phun reading!
Versiunea in limba romana:
Acesta este un blog personal si este adresat prietenilor mei dar si necunoscutilor. Deoarece s-ar putea sa injur in unele post-uri sau sa critic pe niste persoane acest blog este interzis parintilor/profesorilor mei sau ai prietenilor mei, asa ca va rog sa-mi respectati intimitatea. OK?
Si apropo, nu voi posta numai in engleza asa ca daca este un utilizator gamespot, imi pare rau, dar voi scrie in engleza numai posturile legate de jocuri.
Spor la citit!
This is a personal blog and it is addressed to my friends but also to unknown people. Because I may swear in some of my posts or I may judge some people here this blog is off limits to any of my/my friends parents/teachers, so please respect my privacy. OK?
Also, I won't write all my posts in english so if you are a gamespot user, sorry, but I'll write in english only my posts related to games.
Have phun reading!
Versiunea in limba romana:
Acesta este un blog personal si este adresat prietenilor mei dar si necunoscutilor. Deoarece s-ar putea sa injur in unele post-uri sau sa critic pe niste persoane acest blog este interzis parintilor/profesorilor mei sau ai prietenilor mei, asa ca va rog sa-mi respectati intimitatea. OK?
Si apropo, nu voi posta numai in engleza asa ca daca este un utilizator gamespot, imi pare rau, dar voi scrie in engleza numai posturile legate de jocuri.
Spor la citit!
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