I am trying out some blu-ray discs and comparing their quality to upscaled DVDs. I watched the Reader on both versions and saw no noticeable difference. I watched Frost/Nixon and there was a noticeable improvement for blu-ray. I know these aren't action movies, but I am just starting my comparison. So, do companies just slap some films on blu-ray without making them better looking? Why isn't the Reader better on blu-ray and Frost/nixon is better?
aussenbagen's forum posts
[QUOTE="GreyFoXX4"]People on here say bluray pic quality isn't no different than SD dvd but then complain about resolution that a game runs at or a few bad textures here and there in a game. Doesn't make much since huh lol.
The explain why MGS4 has horrible textures and the game isn't even 720p :roll: oh and i forgot is on BR disc. Wow, what you said has nothing to do with what he said, yet you still proved his point: Complaining about pixels and textures, while bashing the quality of Blu Ray movie :?
You are right about that he totally missed the point. But, the post is dumb, because nobody is saying that Blu-ray isn't better than SD. Of course, it is. what most people are discussing is that blu-rays aren't worth the money for the increased costs over upscaled DVDs. I'd like to hear more about that.
You topped yourself. I didn't think it was possible but you did it. You tell me that my post is dumb, because I am giving an opinion. And then, you say and you give your opinion. Hilarity entails! You close by saying you want to discuss and play games and not argue about which company is profitable. But you are reading (and that might be stretching it) and posting in the "systems wars" part of the forum. Did you get lost and can't find your way out? LOL, as Maximus would say "Are you not entertained!"
One other thing, the comments about the additional cost of blu-ray discs are pretty arrogant for the most part. Claiming that paying $5 to $10 per disc isn't significant is not a valid argument. Of course, it is. Price is always a consideration. For many people and families, especially now, this amount is a make or break deal in deciding between a blu-ray and a dvd. A number of people have realized this and have made intelligent statements that blu-ray is best for action or special effect movies and less important for drama for exampe. Why certain posters claim have no respect for budgetary concerns I just don't understand.
BR is the last physical media for movies. They won that... Now Digital down loads or streams of those movies will be the thing that might kill BR off several years from now.
Unless TV's gets mega HD... Something insanely higher res then 1080p... BR is gonna be more then enough for a single movie.
I didn't buy any BR's yet for my PS3. I got 5 free and rented over 20 from netflix. I'm not ready to spend the premium for a small increase in visual quality. That's not to say everyone is like me... I seen people with almost every single BR release.
Now this is a good answer. He made all his points with facts and logical arguments. No need to use insults or unsupported statemenst when you have a brain.Good Show! Epic Win!
TC obviously was'nt around when we went from VHS to DVD. It was the same deal as it is now.
Why the snide comment about my age? You have no idea whatsoever how old I am. And this is a useless comment because you fail to address, not a one even, the arguments made in this thread as to why it is not "the same deal as it is now." Epic fail.
Is the TC is aware that the PS3 isn't the only Blu ray compatible machine on the market?
Why mention HD DVD? it died over a year ago (but it still has its uses, 40 HD DVD's at £3 each
I haveabout 40 blu rays, many people don't want to change to Blu Ray just yet, the introduction of new formats takes quite a while,
Blu Ray has only been out for about 3 years....I only began to buy them in June 2008
[QUOTE="Psn_FF7numbaOne"]as any1 ever seen the bluray comparision for The kingdom of heaven? The dvd version was so blurry and the blu ray version was clear and filled with detail. WWIAB
Just bought that yesterday! haven't seen it before, but looks damn good!
Yes, I am aware that the PS3 is the only compatible blu-ray "gaming" console on the market. Uh, that is the whole point of this thread. Duh!
Why mention HD DVD? First, you answered your own question. Second, OMG this is so dumb, the whole post, I can't write a response.LOL. Our public schools are in real trouble aren't they?
I own over 20 blu rays. The video quality and lossless audio are pure bliss on my 52" LCD.
People that can't tell the difference are clueless or in extreme denial.
Blu ray is here to stay. Deal with it.
The PS3 is also my main movie player even for DVDs. It upscales them very well.
The prices for blu ray disks are also getting better and you can already find a lot of great deals. It's a huge leap from standard DVD. Not even close!
LOL, I willtry and "deal with it." But it will be hard.
[QUOTE="aussenbagen"]Sony has a film division you know. They make money on blu ray sales of their own films.I didn't make myself clear. This is systems wars part of the forum and I am posting about Sony's PS3 not mopping up due to the inclusion of a blu-ray player. I think one of the reasons that MS is not posting record losses like Sony is because they lost the Blu-ray battle and MS is no longer tied down to the production cost of that HD DVD accessory. However, Sony by having their platform locked into a Blu-ray player has to incur significant additional costs.
From one of the articles posted by another person, as of April 16th: "More importantly, of the 10.5 Million US homes that have a Blu-ray player, nearly 75% (7-8 Million) own stand-alone Blu-ray players, around twice as many as the same time last year. The correlation is obvious - twice as many Blu-ray players equals twice as many Blu-ray sales."
So when I mean they won the blu-ray battle I mean that they did win over MS. But it came at a tremoundous cost. People are not poplulating their living rooms with PS3s but rather they are buying stand alone blu-ray players.
Therefore, Sony won the high definition battle against MS, but they lost the war, because people did not buy PS3's to get to blu-ray technology. It was a pyhrrhic victory because the cost of their consoles is very high and they did not get the benefit of the blu-ray boon that is happening now.
Anybody want to speak to this issue instead of jumping on the popularity of blu-ray itself.
Read my original post again. Thanks everyone.
Yes, they do. But that didn't answer the question did it. I asked if "anybody wants to speak to this issue (system wars) instead of the popularity of blu-ray itself." You crack me up.:lol:
[QUOTE="aussenbagen"][QUOTE="Indie_Hitman"].......................The 'war' was over when HD DVD died. Bad analogy, try another.Indie_Hitman
You clearly flunked out of your classics units. You have no idea who King Pyrrhus was. Or what a Pyrrhic victory is. It would be fine to disagree whether or not Sony has suffered a pyrrhic vicory, but saying it is a bad analogy because the war is over is really, really stupid.
Thanks, to everyone who posts about their view on blu-ray sales. I appreciate the information.
I dont know what the hell ****cs is so im going to ignore that but how am I wrong about Blu ray having beaten HD DVD? Yes, maybe the consequences of the HD format werent as favourable as sony would have liked but its still a victory non the less. The 'war' was between Blu ray and HD DVD, the part youre referring to is the realisation that perhaps the 'war' was not worth it.You really need to read some Greek mythology. Even something about the Roman Gods might help. But there is hope for youas I see you finally got it. Albeit you came along kicking and screaming.
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