Tell me the truth, how many of you PS3 guys actually buy a significant amount of blu-ray dvds. Hardly any. ****Why? Because they cost more than DVDs and don't provide enough of a difference to justify the increased costs. Which is the same reason that MS lost the HD-DVD market position, not solely because of the Blu-ray being included in the PS3, but because of that price/performance problem inherent in the hi-def DVD business.****
Microsoft is enjoying the advantage of getting to drop the production costs of having to support a HD-DVD manufacturing and marketing division. So, they are that much more profitable overall than Sony, in the short term and the long term.
One poster already said it best, but I will tweak it, Sony won the hi-definition DVD battle but lost the high definition DVD war. There are no spoils, just ongoing unrecoupable costs.
Funny, how ironic this is.*****UPDATE: I think I have been proved wrong about this part of my OP. There is a justifiable difference between Blu-ray and DVDs. But there is a price problem still, in that although there is a definate difference, blu-ray is significantly better, people aren't convinced they should have to pay for it.
As for it being a pyhirric victory for Sony. I think this aspect of the post is valid and should be debated. Blu-ray did shoot up the cost of the PS3 and by winning the battle with MS over high definition Sony has to bear the cost of manufacturing such function. But MS was relieved of having to produce any more HD drives (external of course) so the MS bottom line has improved. Also calculate in the fact that although blu-ray is a growing format, it is not necessarily driving PS3 sales. Rather, stand alone Blu-ray players are growing in great numbers. This puts Sony in a negative position. They bear the cost of a blu-ray player but don't see a great benefit from it. Therefore, winning the battle with MS over high definition was a pyhirric victory.
That is debateable of course, and why I posted it in the first place. It is pretty cool that as of writing this there are 93 posts. Thanks for the information, I have learned a lot. Go ahead and insult and flame me, it's okay: this is the system wars thread, I mean: THIS IS SPARTA!!!!
***Another UPDATE: WOW, I am flattered to have garned this much attention. I must have hit a hot spot. Some people are personally offended by my original remarks, some are offended by my amended remarks, some are offended because I made amendments to my remarks, others are just plain offended by antything that is written anywhere. Of course, there are some posts that try and actually discuss the issues rather than try and just cherry pick at something I said and snipe at me--I appreciate the effort to make it constructive. But like they say, any press is good press. Look at how much Perez Hilton is making and all of gigs on TV such as the pagent. Maybe there is hope for me too. Thanks, I feel like a rockstar!
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