My friend and I were over at eachother's houses this weekend playing Wii and DS. When my friend came over to my house he turned on Smash Bros. Brawl while I was in the kitchen because I was thirsty. When I came back he told me he erased my data... I reacted calmly, "Ok why did-what the **** did you do that for, you son of a mother *******, *****!. You know how much **** I had to put into completing that ******* game!? Now I have to do all that **** all over again because of your stupid dumb ***!" So you can see I was mad. Seriously why am I stuck with friends that pull such stupid tricks all the time (oh yeah and that Ninja Gaiden game he game me for DS stopped working, he told me he bugged it right after erasing Brawl to top everything off.) I almost had every thing unlocked on the chart too. Now I have to do it again!banzai_sword
I would have shut him @ point blank and went to jail with Wii
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