[QUOTE="Sajedene"] I'm just basing it on your posts. You said that you have problems getting guys in real life on another thread. Thats not hating when you're the one putting it out there.
There is nothing wrong with thanking people who give you a legitimate compliment. But you would respond to every single remark about your picture - even the innapropriate ones, and that is why some of us here see it as you encouraging them.
Guys doing locker room jokes with guys is no big - and vice versa with girls. Its one thing to flirt and tease people know from time to time with sexual innunendos - but when you go around talking about having orgies on an internet forum that have nothing to do with the OT ALL THE TIME - then yes it sends a different message across. Its so rare to even see friends who know each other in real life to joke about stuff like that across gender lines. But just because we're on the internet doesnt make it okay. Etiquette applies everywhere.
I have problems getting the right guy, I could have tons of guys if I wanted, but I have trouble finding a guy that meets my standards, especially when it comes to trusting them. but that has nothing to do with my behavior and only shows that you're a hater who can't make their point across without throwing something like that. you have nothing to base your claims. you say I make orgies all the time? please. like I said, as much as I joke around, I post seriously as well. I'm not the only one to make orgy jokes either, but because I'm a girl doing them, it's somehow wrong. I also don't respond to every compliment, I just make one post that says "thanks to those who complimented' without quoting people. occasionally I quote and say thank you, but I stopped quoting eveyrone a long time ago.
the fact that you somehow are putting everything I've done under a microscope and trying to analyze me so much only proves that you really don't have a life and I think you're just jealous. like I said, I post for fun, and people know it's for fun. and I post seriously just as much. hate on me all you want, I ain't changing for no one.
you realize that you cant say she is saying these things because your a girl. she's a girl also.
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