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Game Buys (7/4) and other stuff.

Yesterday I bought three games from Circuit City. I got Guilty Gear Judgement, Mercury Meltdown and Mario & Luigi Superstar saga. I'm also going to buy my 360 very soon too.

My birthday is on the 11th. Yays!

I might also start working next week, I still have to talk to my manager.


Yo. Yesterday we moved into my new house. All we did was move to a city near by the city I lived at before. Today my dad got the internet up as you can see. Yay. I got all my systems hooked up to the wall at least, I am trying to unpack my games. But I have a task ahead of me though, I want to rip and reorganize my entire mp3 collection to my new HD that I got before we moved. I have a ton of mp3s and music files.

Gonna put some more things away. Bye.


Shopping Trip


I went to Aeropostale and got some new clothes. Yes, I resisted buying video games! I got a pair of jammies, a pair of jean capris and a pair of these comfy capris that I love to wear also got a shirt that has stars on it a pair of flip flops and another purse. I saved $47, it was around $98. Then we went to the pretzel place and I got a watermelon dutch icee, yummy. I still need to buy work clothing.

I'm trying to not buy as many games cause I want to get my 360 and I saw a really cool preorder offer with Eternal Sonata, and if Blue Dragon is coming out in August (I don't think they've released a official date for it yet? If they have, please let me know by a comment on this blog.) I wanna get both of those games along with Enchanted Arms. Mostly everything I want for my other consoles can wait for a couple months cept the RPGs, so I'm only getting those. Once I start working I'll be able to afford just about everything like when I was working (it will change once I get my drivers license and have to help pay for car insurance) before I got sick.

I'll be at work, working in a couple of weeks I am looking forward to it. It will be part-time under 20 hours, so I can keep my government benefits. I can't make less then $543 a month to keep medicaid and I need it because I won't have any health insurance if they yank it. SSI told me they will send me checks based on what I've earned, but with the number amount he gave me I should get around $300 something a month still on top of work paychecks. So I will be going to both offices alot with paystubs to prove my word. Then I'll be able to send the people who send me my surgery bill $100-200 a month and get it paid off alot faster!


Todays Game Buys (6/10)

Heya. What's shakin?

Today I had a drink called Very Berry Daquriri. It had a spiced rum and raspberries and strawberries in it, topped with whipped creme. Omg, it was so declicious! We saw Oceans 13, it was alright. My head hurts, prolly from the alchoclo.

My dad went to Radio Shack so I walked over to EB. I paid off my preorders for Tales of the World and Brave Story. I also bought Tomb Raider Anniversery, Super Robot Taisen 1 and 2 (can't believe I found those, and for $20 a piece) and Planet Puzzle League. I forgot to give Charles my new phone number that I want him to put in the system though, this week sometime I will.


I really really want to go back to work in July. Please hope for me that my caseworkers will say good things and that I'll be able too (and keep my government benefits)! I am going to talk to them next week and give them my change of address to our new house.


One Year!!!!! Time to Party!!!


As of tomorrow, I would be declared cancer free for one year!! Being told I was in remission was the greatest day of my life and best day of my treatments, though they were far from over. In September I can celebrate my one year post transplant birthday with my brand new immune system which is getting stronger day by day.

I wanna thank everyone who has helped me get through my treatments because it has helped me alot to keep my spirits high!!


(If things go the way I want them to go, I should be able to get my 360 in July or August! :D :D )

Game Buys (5/27) & Plan for June Buys


I went to EB this afternoon, rather, I drove there because I needed to practice my driving. Because EB/Gamestop was having their memorial day sale. All eleven games I purchased were originally $300 or so before all the discounts were applied. One of the games were priced incorrectly, so I will have to go back and get it fixed. All brand new, all sealed. It was around $180 after discounts. Not too shabby.

  • Castlevania: Double Pack (with Harmony of Dissonance & Aria of Sorrow) : Gameboy Advance
  • Cars (Players Hit Striped) : Gamecube
  • Spyro: A Heros Tail (Players Hit Striped) : Gamecube
  • Need for Speed Carbon : XBox
  • The Legend of Spyro: A New Begnning : XBox
  • Shrek 2 and Shark Tale double pack : Xbox
  • The Bards Tale : Xbox
  • Shadow the Hedgehog (Greatest Hits Striped): Ps2
  • Champions Return to Arms : PS2
  • The King of Fighters 2006 : PS2
  • Crash Twinsanity : Ps2

I picked up Dawn of Mana and Odin Sphere last week. I pick up Atelier Iris 3 and Mario Party 8 this week, luckily I had these reserved in full! I also get my disability check this week on Friday so I am not completely broke.

June will consist of Grim Grimiore (Reserved and paid for in full), finish paying off my reserves for Brave Tale and Tales of the World so they can be in full payment. Tomb Raider Anniversery, Planet Puzzle League, Pokemon Battle Revolution, Brain Age Wii, Hoshigami Remix, Lifesigns: Surgical Unit & Final Fantasy I.

July I know for sure I am getting Persona 3 as a birthday present from my sister. :D I'll prolly buy the new Guitar Hero game and Hot Shots Tennis and reserve a couple more games. Hopefully Dragoneers Aria will be out on the PSP by then as well.

Take care.


FYI...(Concerning Messenger Programs)


Hey everybody. I want to let ya'll know that my AIM username is contact by friends only. If you want to talk to me that way please message me or comment me and you can put your username on the comment and I can add you. I've been verbally harassed on AIM in the past, and it accidently undid everything when I re-installed it, so now it's back to the way it was. I will only put Gamespot users on my list from now on unless I know them personally.

Thanks for reading!

Summer Clothes


Yo. I decided I needed to spend a little bit of money on summer clothes so I did. I got some pants that will fit and shirts and stuff. I picked up Innocent Life: A fantasy Harvest Moon & Etrian Oddyssey today as my reserves came in. I applied at the EB so I hope Charles will hire me cause he knows me and stuffs. I think I'm good in the summer clothes catagory now. I put $5 reserves toward Tales of the World and Brave Story, cause I didn't have enough (wanted to save rest of my money) money on me, cause Harvest Moon dropped $10 bucks from what I paid for it.

See you laters!


Square-Enix's New Games & Games I Still Need To Reserve


:.Music I'm Currently Listening To.: Ayumi Hamasaki - One Love.



Square has announced some brand new games that will be coming out in the future. I'm so excited. Especially for the re-releases of Star Ocean 1 and 2 for the PSP and the brand new Star Ocean 4 for Ps2 and also the Chocobo Dungeon game for the Wii. There is a news article about it on the main Gamespot page, they announced some other games too, a new franchise but it's going to be on the Ps3. I hope all these games get released here including the new Final Fantasy Tactic PSP game and the DS FF12 game.

Games I Need To Reserve (once they get to be avaliable to preorder), as of right now:

  • Rune Factory : A Fantasy Harvest Moon. (DS)
  • Harvest Moon Boy and Girl. (PSP)
  • Luminous Arc. (DS)
  • Dragoneers Aria. (PSP)
  • Riviera. (PSP)
  • Disgea PSP.
  • Brave Story. (PSP)
  • Soul Nomad & The World Eaters (PS2).
  • Wild Arms The Vth Vanguard. (PS2)
  • Growlancer: Heritage of War - Just announced by Atlus. (PS2)
  • Persona 3. (PS2) Will prolly end up as a birthday present.
  • J'Anne De Arc. (PSP)
  • Super Mario Galaxy (WII)
  • Super Smash Brothers Brawl (WII)
  • Anything else Square-Enix, Atlus, NIS America and XSEED announce for NA.

RPGs take priorty over everything in my collection. Gotta get them. :D
