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azn_chosen_one Blog

The Spectacular Thoughts of the Day

Since every little accessory is being created to cash in on the impending success of Halo 3 ( repainted wireless headsets, controls, and consoles) I'd would not be surprised if they came out with an announcement in the next couple of days for a line of Halo 3 toothbrushes so you can now have Master Chief help you finish the fight against plaque and gingivitis.

Nintendo Purgatory

I've finally bought a Wii a couple of days ago after weeks of searching and I'm really happy with my purchase but with the Nintendo Wii came ahuge realization. While playing GameCube games on the Wii I realized that I never actually finish any games staring Nintendo's all-star cast ( Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong etc.). Throughout the consoles of the Nintendo Entertainment System on towards the GameCube, every game with a Nintendo character on the cover has stayed in digital purgatory since about a quarter to half way through the game I'll quit playing because I get stuck or distracted by another game. I have no problems finishing Metal Gear Solid or Grand theft Auto but problems arise when playing Super Mario 64 or The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The only other unexpected thing that came with the Wii is the number of unintentional Wii jokes like saying that I'm off in the living room playing with my Wii, so that's kind of a bad thing, haha. Well, all the stress and potential craziness have gone since the search for a Nintendo Wii has finally ended. All I need now is a really good first person shooter and some kind of crazy martial arts tournament game that take great advantage of the Wii's unique controls.

Why Do I Keep Trying?

While online dvd window shopping, I stumbled upon the "extended edition" of the movie Fantastic Four and after viewing the item, something inside me just snapped. This just brought back memories of buying the barebones version of Sin City when it first came out, a dvd put out to milk as much money from consumers before they released the significantly better version months down the road yet making even more money. Learning about the "recut and extended" release of Sin City was coming out, I was outraged, I felt as if I was made a fool out of basically spending 80 dollars for Sin City after I would buy the new version, dishing out close to 30 dollars for the "dummy" version and 50 dollars for the "recut and extended" version. To prevent my feelings of being ripped off by movie studios, I should basically just stop buying dvd's since in the back of my mind, I'll know that they'll release a superior version of the movie I am purchasing at the moment.

Over Hype.

There's a point in time when one must admit how ridiculous the lengths some people will go to in order to promote their game. Take the Grand Theft Auto IV trailer for example, a countdown was made counting down the days, hours, and seconds before the world got a glimpse of the new GTA game. I could understand the month long countdown clock, late night infomercials, and even the temporary internet crash that the trailer caused if it was amazing but it wasn't, actually leaving some more confused and question filled than before viewing the trailer. The biggest and worst example of over hype would have to be the Halo 3 multiplayer beta. You know it's bad when some people would sell their own souls for a chance to play an unfinished game. It just bugs me with the thought that 7 times out of 10, the game Crackdown was purchased for the Halo beta. I think the only thing worse than individuals racking their brains over trying to get accepted into the beta is paying 60 dollars to do so. When thousands of people get foamy at the mouth over an unfinished demo of a game one realizes how silly hype can get, soon you'll be seeing people paying money to see some screenshots of an upcoming game or waiting in lines for days to watch some unfinished character animations being showed in a store. All of this seems so incredibly ridiculous to me but that's just a thought.

Atari: What Happened To Your Once Dignified Name....

Who would've thought that the once proud grandfather of video games would now be degraded to releasing a Dragon Ball Z annually. You can't go more than nine months without hearing about Atari releasing another Dragon ball title with some sort of small improvement like adding another playable character or making a new stage based on an animation cell found from the television series. Although I actually enjoy playing these games, they have almost become like the Madden franchise with annual releases. It's as if Atari is clinging onto the Dragon Ball franchise and beating it to death as it spits out money. Even if it's not another Dragon Ball title, the games released by Atari turn out to be mediocre, it's hard to see Atari like this. It's like growing up to see your childhood friend that you used to spend all your time with turn into a horrible drug abusing adult trying to sell you subscriptions to magazines from the year before with stickers placed on them to make them seem new and exciting. So be expecting Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2008 coming soon with the cars and animals from the series making appearances as new playable characters.

What The?!?!

People browsing through GameSpot's forums may come across some views of disagreement about the reviews editors wrote for games. I have no problems with individuals expressing their thoughts about something but some of these people take these reviews a little too seriously. One person has even gone far enough to post a hate video on Youtube insulting Jeff Gerstmann for his review on The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The poster of the hate video extremely dislikes Jeff because he gave a score of 8.8 to Twilight Princess and all that came to mind when I viewed it was WOW. Not only is 8.8 a good score but to become incredibly enraged because of a review just amazes me. Who knew game scores insulted people so much....

It's Retro Time!

During the past few days I've packed up my PS2, Gamecube, and the Xbox 360 while replacing them with my NES, SNES, and Genesis. I've been buying a lot of old school game cartridges from local stores and eBay so I just need to play them. What games will I play you say? Well I'm going to play all those Ninja Turtles carts that I missed during childhood, I've only played the original TMNT on the NES so yeah, I missed out. I'm gonna play the classics like Mario and Metroid but also playing the incredibly horrible games like Shaq-Fu....yeah, I'm going to do it. I don't know how long this retro thing is going to last, maybe a week, a month? Not sure but I'm reliving the days of "Nintendo Power" and "Sega does what Nintedon't". Chyeah!

Just Have To Rant....

Now I love gaming and everything to do with the gaming universe but there are a couple of things that just tick me off. First of all, I pride myself on getting limited edition copies of games but the cases bug me. The plastic sleeves are incredibly fragile and pointless, everytime I pick it up I find a new crack or scratch on it and when I pick it up, the actual case just slides right out unintentionally. As much as that bugs me, it's not as bad as the pricing stickers on games bought from EB Games. Those damned yellow/white price labels are a pain to take off, once I take home a game I play the game for an hour and spend the next 5 hours trying to clean the game case of the parasite-like stickers. It's impossible to take the whole thing off with one peel and once you do it, what's left is a square of sticky residue with bits of the label still intact. Over the past few days, I've purchased a bunch of limited edition Xbox 360 games and used games from EB so I just needed to let off some steam....

Add 1 To The Millions!

I finally recieved my copy of Gears of War today, what a great day today is, both Crackdown and Gears of war in one day! Just gonna spend my week goofing around in Crackdown and going through the adrenaline pumped levels of Gears of War. Good Gaming!

A Bad Thought Made Better.

People generally hate bad games (atleast the sane part of the population hate bad games) and they don't like to play those horrible, soul snatching pieces of....well you know what. To focus on the negative aspects of these games is one thing but it is better to focus on the positive. Now these large wastes of gigabytes serve as an example of what a game shouldn't be so there's hope in the future that you won't come across anything like it again, unless there is no God then you'll probably see a sequel made for it. The biggest plus of a bad game is the joys of talking about how bad that game is, there's nothing like chatting about how bad " Drake of the 99 Dragons" was over a cup of coffee or better yet, laughing at someone who's actually gone out and bought " Drake of the 99 Dragons". So the moral of this little blog is to never see only the negative sides of something....oh and don't play horrible games.
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