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bRiNgiToNCheer9 Blog

You guys NEVER read my blogs!Pretty cool blog! PLEASE IMPORTANT!!

Sorry I've been soooooo busy! Cheer practice has been booked ALL week! Flying from 4-7, Regular Practice from 7-8 and tumbling from 8-10!!! I know I get home at 10 every night! And I never have time with my bf Kurt!! Anyway life's going great!!! How about you guys? Finally I got an 85% on my math test!! My grades are actually pretty good. Oh I'm sorry I didn't post what I bought but I'm going to the mall tommorow!!! I'll try what cheergirl did and give you guys a couple of choices on different things!!


Favorite Shirt (from Hollister)




Ok, Your favorite song, that's in right now?


2. Fergalicous

3.Lips of An Angel

OK Favorite Icon:




Question: What's your favorite thing to do?

Mine's to cheer. You can say whatever you want!

Later in Laguna!


Pics of my sis's and brothers!! And one of me!!Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hi!OMG Finally I got to be in an Abercrombie Photoshoot! My mom pulled a few strings, LOLto get me and my sisters into a photoshoot !!!! Ok so here we are...

**You have to copy and paste the pics into your address bar!!**


OK that's Paris the one that's leaning and sticking her foot up! OMG I love those leg warmers!!


OK this is Chad my fraternal twin brother. He looks soo dramatic there!


OK this one is me and my sister Andrea!! I'm the one on the right!! I'm the one with the straight hair! That pic is sooo blurry!!!


OMG Thanksgiving is gonna be sooo be sooo much fun!!! My cousins, Dylan, Kurt(lol), Gia, Kira, Mackenzie, Jeannie and Stephanie!! The boys are football players and all my girl cousins are cheerleaders which is good cuz we always practice iwth each other and we're all the same size so we all fit into the same clothes!!!

Dylan:Brown hair with highlights--14!

Kurt:Blonde Hair-13

Gia:Brown hair with highlights-13

Kira-Blonde hair--12

Kenzie-Brown hair WIth Highlights-13

Jeannie-Blonde Hair-11

Steph-Brown Hair Highlights-13

Its cool cuz we're all  the same age!!!



Happy Thanksgiving!!!!






Quiz Survey Thing


-------------ABOUT YOU---------------

Time started: 11;47pm
Full Name: Cali DeLaCruz

Sex: Female
Birthday: June 20
Sign: idk
Siblings: Franteral twin brother named, Chad(14), Older sister named Paris(16), older brother named Cole(17), younger sister named Andrea(10)

Eye colour: Aqua
Shoe size: 6


What are you wearing right now: My cheer uniform

Color: Aqua and Pink..maybe even lime green!
Number: 9

Boys Name: Joey
Girls name:I'm sorry but I love my name!

Subject in school: Lunch
Animal: Dolphins...than puppies!

Drink: Dr.Pepper

Fast-Food Place: If it was either eating fast-food or dying, I'd die. But I do have a Wendy's frostie once in a while!


Band/artist: P!ATD, The Killers, Danity Kane,Cartel, Nelly Futardo, Jibbs IS THAT YOUR CHAIN??? and more

Movie: Bring It On! All or Nothing

Juice:Sparkling Apple Cider
Finger: Index, I guess

Breakfast: Low-Fat Muffin and my own low-fat healthy smoothie!

Favourite cartoon character: Minnie Mouse...Sure
TV Show: TSL

Actor/actress: JOHNY DEPP! Lucas Grabeel, Keira Knightley and more

Holiday: Christmas
---------------------HAVE YOU EVER -----------------------
Given anyone a bath: Yeah Andie when she was little

Eaten a dog biscuit: NO !

Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Not recently...

Loved someone so much it made you cry: Yes
Broken a bone: My wrist
Played truth or dare: YES!!

Been in a physical fight: Yeah. I **** slapped that ****!
Been in a police car: I only went in one because my friends dad is a cop and he was driving us somewhere. LOL Lacee!
Been on a plane: Like my second home!
Come close to dying: Unfortunatly..yes!
Been in a sauna: yea
Been in a hot tub: yea
Swam in the ocean: YEA !!

Fallen asleep in school: yup
Ran away: nope
Broken someone's heart: yea
Cried when someone died: yea

Cried in school: when i was in preschool

Fell off your chair: Yeah..LOL Lacee!

Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: Yea

Saved e-mails: Yea
Fallen for one of your best friends:Kurt

Been cheated on: yea

Done something you regret: Yea
-----------------------------WHAT IS…-------------------------
Your good luck charm: My twin brother ( lol i know i am corney sometimes lol )

Best song you ever heard: WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG BY THE KILLERS!!I'm not a tomboy!

Stupidest thing you have ever done:Took down the whole foodstore with Lacee, using 7 bouncy balls.. Please no questions

What is beside you now: My pompoms, Moose(my dogs and my cell.

Last thing you ate:Jamba Juice Smoothie

Worst thing that has happened to you: My old BF Joey cheated on me for the ****iest cheerleader!

------------------------HAVE YOU EVER HAD------------------------------
Chicken pox: Yeah

Stitches: No
-----------------------DO YOU-----------------------
Believe in love at first sight: YES !!!
Like picnics: no not really unless its with my boyfriend

What schools have you gone to:
Eat a hamster for $1,000,000: No...

Kill someone you know for 15 billion dollars:No
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you?My boyfriend, Kurt My brother, The Cheer Squad and Lacee!
What makes you laugh the most: My brother and Kurt

Makes you smile: My boyfriend Kurt!
-------------------------WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON------------------------
You touched: Kurt my boyfriend

You massaged: Umm...

You yelled at:Andie, she took my cell!


----------------------------DO YOU/ARE YOU:-----------------------------------------
Do you like filling these out: yup
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Contacts ( but dont tell anyone lol )
Do you like yourself:No I LOVE MYSELF
Do you get along with your family: yea pretty much
Do you do drugs: nope
Have piercing(s) below the waist: NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stolen anything over $50: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obsessive: yea

Obsessive Compulsive: nope

---------------------FINAL QUESTIONS-----------------
What are you listening to right now: When You Were Young

How many buddies are on your list: 499( on AIM )
What did you do yesterday: School Cheerpractice played on the computer then went to the movies with my boyfriend..LOL Lace! 
Hate someone in your family: Yea

Where do you want to get married: idk
If you could change anything about yourself what would you change?: IDK
Good driver: still to young to drive
Good dancer: YEA !
Good Singer: kinda ( well atleast i think i am good lol )
Have a lava lamp:WTF? NO

How many remote controls are in your house:Like counting ALL remotes like 67 but  that's an educated guess!
What do you dream about:Kurt...awwwww...

Last time you showered: like a 1/2 hour ago

The last movie you saw at the theatres: ummmm i cant rember i wasnt paying attention lol
Scary or happy movies: i like them both
Chocolate or white milk: white

Root beer or Dr. Pepper: Dr. Pepper
Mud or Jell-O:
Skiing or Boarding: idk
Summer or winter: Summer
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or pearls: BOTH!!

Sunset or Sunrise: sunsets
Cats or dogs: DOGS !!!

Phone or in person: it depends lol

Oldest, middle, youngest or only child:Oldest out of me and Chad but a minute
End Time: 5:27  PM

Bungee Jumped:No
Made yourself throw-up: no
Been in the opposites sex's bathroom: Maybe..JK No!

Name: Cali DeLaCruz

Where I Live: Orange County, California

Siblings: Franteral twin brother named, Chad(14), Older sister named Paris(16), older brother named Cole(17), younger sister named Andrea(10)

Hair Color: Platinum Blonde

Eye Color: Caribbean Blue, almost like aqua

Weight: 85 Pounds I'M NOT ANOREXIA!


Favorite Color: Hot Pink

Band: Panic! At The Disco, Cartel, Danity Kane and the Killers

Song: Too many....:D

Pets: I'm not a Paris Hilton, but I have a little teacup Chiluaha named Moose.

Movie: All the Bring-It-Ons and POTC


My dad is a big-time business exuective and my mom is a desinger for Abercrombie

Food: Jamba Juice Smoothie, Chinese, Japanese, I'm a vegetarian and I watch my weight. :)

Hobbies; Cheerleading, Gymnastics, Talking on the Phone and going to the beach. I always hang with my BF Joey and my girlzz.

xoCheerGirl23xo is my best friend Lacey. She is the best and is the mansion next to mine. We have ALOT of simalarities so don't think were like twins, LOL. So I guess I'll see you and PM me if you want to be friends!

~Later, in Laguna!~


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