8/10. My neighbourhood is great. Close to friends, shopping centres and public transport. My suburb is pretty new so yeah...
baboy_baka's forum posts
I miss the old pope, may he rest in peace John Paul II.cyberdarkkidYeh, he was probably the best pope IMO.
Just take good care of your xbox. Most of the newer models such as the falcon and the jasper are less likely to get the RROD. NEVER leave your Xbox on the carpet, it heaps up faster.
How many xbox games do you have in your collection? Since I only brought my xbox late last year, I only have six but planning to get three more by the end of the year.
Does anyone have any funny trash talking quotes? I've got a few, but I'd like other people to share their own quotes.
"Don't laugh. your next"
"I believe in recycling. i' gonna use u over and over"
"You suck. Why do you even play this game?"
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