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gaming karma

Viewtiful Joe is fun, but it can be Baten Kaitos makes for a good relaxant. First I play some Joe till I get frustrated and angry, then I pop in Baten Kaitos. Its lush graphics and soothing music act as a balm to the soul....then I pop back into Joe for more punishment and abuse.

Viewtiful joe 2

I love this game:)! Its the kind of simple yet challenging game that I enjoy playing on my gba. Yet Viewtiful Joe is infinently more complex then any gba game. Its an intense, fun game. I look forward to continuing through it in the coming weeks. This game is Hard!! I can progress in it but I cant say im doing so gracefully....hopefully playing once will get me familiar with it so I can focus on high scores,etc. I dont see the logic behind that stupid safe puzzle in level 3....I had to get the solution online, and I dont see how anyone could figure that out by themselves....I like this game, but I like the action more then the puzzles.

Into movieworld...

I took Warrior Within back, and since they dident have another copy of it I exchanged it for Viewtiful Joe 2. I played the original a little so I know what im getting into. Im also confident that this one will work since it was new. I like this seris humour and style, and ill post a detailed opinion once I start playing.

So much for roalty...

It seems the copy of Warrior Within I bought has some serious problems...while I was playing last night I absolutely could not figure out what to do next, which was odd since PoP games usually point you in the right direction. I went online to figure it out, and something completely different was described in the other words something was supposed to happen in that particular room and it dident, thus I could not proceed. I tried the game again a while ago to see if it would work and I nearly jumped out of my skin when I turned the game on....The prince looked horrifying! He was covered in bandages and snakes and his health was steadily dropping! On top of that the earlier problem was still consistent. I checked a faq again and it turns out the princes new look is a part of the game, but it isnt supposed to occur till near the end. This definently sucks, but I suppose its just the risk you take when you buy pre owned...I have no idea how im going to explain this to the clerk at EB when I take it back tomorrow...

Further Perspectives...

Now that ive been playing Baten Kaitos for a while, im starting to really understand the games card system. Its amazing deph is finally apparant, and im more enthusiastic about the game then ever. I have played many rpgs, but this one feels truly unique, and original, just like what I said about Tales of Symphonia. Im happy to play role playing games that truly push the genre's limits and do something unique. I think Monolithe did a better job on this then Xenosaga, which was good, but relied on the plot to pull you through. Honestly, if Xenosagas plot wasnt as good as it is, I probably wouldent want to play it because the actual gameplay is very dry and dull. But with Baten Kaitos, thay gave us an enjoyable plot, and fantastic gameplay...and even in the realm of rpgs, I think gameplay is most important.


I have always wanted to play an mmo. The concept of creating a chracter and practictly living a second life while playing a game has always been intriguing to me. Unfortunently, ive always lacked the means to do so, for several reasons. First off, though my pc is certainly functional, I doubt it could run a game of such size smoothly...I have no experience with pc games at all. I also dont like the idea of paying a monthly fee in order to play...I dont want to pay for the game if ive been busy and havent had time to enjoy it lately. I think the biggest hurdle is the time factor. I am under the impression that it takes an extraordinary amount of time to play such games, and I dont know if I could devote the time needed to get the most out of it. I hope that one day the genre will become more acessable to people like me who are sort of "riding the fence" and to intimidated to climb over it.

The sound of music...

I had A music history test today, but im not too was easy as pie. Warrior within is kicking my ass, but I cant say im not enjoying it:). I plan on spending the evening eating sloppy joes, revising my media paper and playing Symphonia and Baten Kaitos. Just another evening in my fullfilling, mediocre existance...despite my negative attitude I do enjoy life :)

Warrior Within and Baten Kaitos....

Ok, I finally got to play them and heres what I think! First PoP: graphically im dissapointed, but its not the games fault. I played the sands of time on my x box, and my system broke since then, so im playing this on my gamecube. Compared to the original on x box, it makes my eyes hurt....other then that its great!....mostly. Personally, I prefer the whimsicall feel of the first game. It seems like the developers tried to hard to make it "edgy". I think the electric guitar music is ridiculous and out of place, and the gore and scanticaly clad women are flopped ideas...the tone of the first game was better. However its still the same great gameplay (though its a hell of a lot harder!), so im certainly interested in seeing it through to the end.

Now Baten Kaitos: Graphics wise, this is the most beautiful game I can remember playing since Klonoa 2! The enviroments are amazing! The music score is great too, its just a shame that this lush world is inhabited by characters with the worst voice overs ive ever heard! The card based combat was difficult to grasp at first but eventually I realized that it was unique and more engaging then your typical turn based battle system. I still find the real time combat of Tales of symphonia superior, but Baten Kaitos is still a lot of fun, and the only serious offense I can see in the game is the awful voice overs.


I got a 97 on my Anthropology exam! woo hoo! To bad I still have so much to do, that I havent gotten to try two of my new games yet.....but persistence will pay off!!.......I hope.

lotsa games....

Today I finally did like I said and picked up Tales Of Symphonia, and of course I love it. I also picked up POP:Warrior Within, and Baten Kaitos, though I havent tried them yet. I will definently share my opinions on them once I start playing them. It looks like i will stay busy for a nice long time. Happy Gaming:)