Recently i've had a new button appear on my profile (my moderation history), it's a button i didn't know existed nor did i believe would ever happen to me until today. Now i'm not the rulebreaking type, i've had a clear record all throughout school, a goodytwoshoes boy. And i did read (unlike others) the Terms of Service that Gamespot laid down for the forums. But i guess i didn't expect them to be so strict on where you post what. Now i didn't start system wars or anything, i merely posted an announcement in the wrong forum and i completely admit that i'm at fault here. But instead of deleting my post, the modder could have. A. Posted it in the correct forum, or told me where to put my blog. Or B pm'd me exactly what and why my post didn't belong where it did. As it was i ended up pm'ing kittykat, who wasn't the one who moded it, and asked why. Now i know and i'll never do it again. But on the upside i now have one more button than most people out there on their profile page! ->
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