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ballisticbob3 Blog

Cracked Screen picture

Here's the picture of it. And i'm still baffled as to what caused this. I've seen these dropped from bleachers only to land 15 feet below on a gym floor, and survive. Not a cracked screen.
I just about cried when i saw this. However, it's not the first cracked screen i've had. I had a palm pilot that bit the dust similarly, but that was something i had in my pocket constantly, and i could understand. I only treated my ds with love and affection. And i'm currently working on a skin for it, sort of a grippy thing that i suppose i will have to resize for the Lite. Anyway, i wish all of your ds's perfect screens and no hassles.

PSP vs DS follow up again

I was happy with the way gamespot rated things overall until March 23rd.
Daxter recently came out for psp, and apparently it was a good game.
No online play, bad controls/camera
So why did Metroid prime, one of the most highly anticipated games for the system, who had only minor complaints leveraged against the single player component, while the rest of the complaints were leveraged at the system (DS) itself score such a low
I understand that the DS isn't as technically as advanced as the psp, but the optimization of the system for this game, shouldn't it be rewarded instead of ripped on. I think this is one of the best experiences you can get on this system. And they rip on it.
Maybe it's because they can't possibly make a good control wise shooter for the psp, they just want to say in their minds that the best shooter for a portable system wasn't THAT great. IDK
i know alot of people are upset over this.
When i played metroid i didn't know what to expect. I'd played first hunt. I was a little uneasy with the controls probably because of the amount of percision they game me for the first time in gaming.
I got the game and couldn't put it down. I knew that i wanted to be really good at online, so i had to get all the hunters. I was really impressed by the cinematics, the lack of substatial load times, that i know DAXTER has. As far as portable gaming is concerned this is one of the best games out there.
No you probably won't be able to play it standing up, because you have to put your hands on it a little wierd. But for me it's not been uncomfortable. I use my palm pilot's stylus which is considerably longer, and thicker, which often gives me the edge. I know the GS staff doesn't use the puny one that the ds came with. And when i first felt what it would be like i knew i was going to have to find something else to use.
But honestly i love the system, and to this day, wouldn't trade it for a psp, I know that there are some games for psp i would like, but most of them are ports of console games, and i would very much more like to play them because of controls.
But i'm still getting a dS lite when it comes out, simply because mine has a broken screen and i'm getting a gift card.
Anyway, i wish when GS did their review change it would have really changed. I waited for days to see how close to metroid prime it would get. I honestly thought it would be well in 9 around 9.5. Oh well.
But you know the one thing that Daxter had, that arguably DS had worse of, Graphics, and that's a system limitation, not a game limitation. SERIOUSLY!

Best Buy doesn't love my DS

I was hoping that since the only thing that's wrong with my DS is the top screen cracked, that they could just swap out the such luck.  Any product under 300 dollars isn't repairable according to best buy, i know it's probably not economical.  But still now i'll have to enter in all the friend codes again.  And i don't know if other data of mine will be erased like single player.  Cause honestly i like metroid and all, i just don't want to beat all of the hunters again to play online.

Now i will have to wait for so many business days, and then what do i get...a gift card. Now the psp has tempted me, but as it is, i don't think i can.  I love playing metroid, and hope to be doing so asap.  But with the gift card I will probably wait until the DS lite comes out, just because.  I like the old DS fine, it's just i need something with as long of batery life as possible.  And it would be silly to buy the same thing over again, when the new one is just a couple months off.  The question is, can i wait that long?
I took a picture of the screen so i'll post that up sometime this weekend.

Screen Cracked

A most unfortunate event has befallen me for the time being.  I found out today 7th hour at school when i was going to play hunters, that my upper screen is cracked.
I was really looking forward to playing in a 2-2 tourny soon, but my parents are being really mean and not letting me get it fixed till after my ap tests are done along with the rest of school.  So for now, i'm out of commision with nothing to play.

I guess this is a good reason not to put all your eggs in one basket.  I wish the revolution was here.

I plan on putting up a picture of my stupid screen as soon as i can because i want to and blogs allow it.  I can't believe it happened.  I had it in it's case and everything.  I hope tommorow is better!

ds and psp follow up

So far, it looks like the gamespot staff are starting to see the light, the ds has a bunch of fun games now that have well-known histories, such as advanced wars, and mario kart have come out on ds and have been really fun games, and some new titles that can hardly be put into genre's such as elektroplankton and nintendogs that put the system to the limits and really use what it was designed for.  But wait! the game that the system was designed for in my mind hasn't even come out yet! Metroid Prime Hunters, nintendo's arguably biggest game for the ds and 06 for that matter is comming in march AND IS GONNA BE ONLINE BABY !!!!!!!!! i'm so excited it's not even funny. Seeing Ryan Mcdonald up on the stage, and saying whoa this is cool really struck me, as hey this guys barely had it in his hands a minute, and is already saying that it's a good game whoa!!! I especially respect what mr Mcdonald said cause after all He's a psp guy and would automatically be prejudice against the ds, i mean he was one of the first guys to get his hands on a psp in the world, so if he is in the slightest bit impressed, dang go nintendo.  Not to say anything bad about the psp. caues i want to get a white one when it comes out here in the states, but there is so much power in that thing that they will not have tapped by this christmas

next year next gen titles for psp that's when, in college

psp and ds follow up

So far, it looks like the gamespot staff are starting to see the light, the ds has a bunch of fun games now that have well-known histories, such as advanced wars, and mario kart have come out on ds and have been really fun games, and some new titles that can hardly be put into genre's such as elektroplankton and nintendogs that put the system to the limits and really use what it was designed for.  But wait! the game that the system was designed for in my mind hasn't even come out yet! Metroid Prime Hunters, nintendo's arguably biggest game for the ds and 06 for that matter is comming in march AND IS GONNA BE ONLINE BABY !!!!!!!!! i'm so excited it's not even funny. Seeing Ryan Mcdonald up on the stage, and saying whoa this is cool really struck me, as hey this guys barely had it in his hands a minute, and is already saying that it's a good game whoa!!! I especially respect what mr Mcdonald said cause after all He's a psp guy and would automatically be prejudice against the ds, i mean he was one of the first guys to get his hands on a psp in the world, so if he is in the slightest bit impressed, dang go nintendo.  Not to say anything bad about the psp. caues i want to get a white one when it comes out here in the states, but there is so much power in that thing that they will not have tapped by this christmas

next year next gen titles for psp that's when, in college

The Unions

The unions are a great new way for people of similar interests in genres to get intouch, they also present new oppurtunitys for people to create a new forum system so some of the errors in the old forum can be absolved.
Off the topic
I have finally almost beaten the Urbz and need to start my homework up again which is what I should be doing right now.

DS and PSP

The PSP and DS sites are slowly comming around, but they have a long way to go before they can attain the status of an established console site. Hopefullly after E3 we will see some images and videos of the final fantasy game and somemore great tittles come out for both consoles. The On the Spot videos on this site have been very helpful in my impatient wait till E3 in which I hope everything to be revealed. The GBA video adapter especially. This site offers such great utilities for tracking games, I just wish that I had a game update itself so I could see it in action without actually visiting the gamespace first. I should probably be doing my homework but how can I help myself , streaming your videos is so insightful on what the future of gaming looks like. The office looks like a fun place to work and I can't imagine all the fun stuff you have access to, let alone the press conferences. I have to go, it's past my bedtime and I have a physics test tommorow.

Mario 64 DS

A great game that is at times hard to put down. The level seems so easy and then you die and you understand that if you just would have done something different, it would have been better or even acheived the gold star. That ever elusive objective is the hardest thing to attain in the level and I wish I had all of them. The cheats are cool but I don't think that I would have acheived luigi or wario without them. Wario was by far the hardest character to get and I hardly ever use him.

January 26 2005

I am really getting board playing these launch titles for the DS and I wish that Square-Enix would hurry up and finish their game for it. I am also looking forward to getting a better version of Metroid and some more RPGs that will utilize the touch screen instead of playing GBA games when I am bored. Some of the games in developement really appeal to me, because my life is also very musical. Therefore Jam with the Band is going to be an important title for my system and finally one to untilize the microphone and record.
On the engadget message board there has been various speculation on wether or not it would be more cost-effective to just buy a PSP and forget the adapter. Also, considering typical GBA graphics how good could it really be. As of late there is no official notice that there is going to be a stateside release on the adapter.
On a lighter note, friday is my friend's halo party and his little brother has a DS so we will be able to finally check out the multiplayer capabilities. All in all I can't wait to see what nintendo has cooked up for this year and with the GBEvolution may be unvelied. It would be really cool if it blew the PSP graphics out of the water, but with the typical small size of the gameboys and fun oriented games it will probably not be much different from a DS SP cross.
9:24 bed time
GE The power goes on.
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