bamizhim's forum posts
I was just wondering if anyone had a website with all the family guy seasons and shows to watch right on the site. i have a south park one so i figured there should be a FG one. thanks.

i live in Connecticut and its been out for a while now :? only station i watch to :(mgreener_34yea i live in CT too...i hate the weather as of right now..but when winter rolls in ill be good...but yea about the shows it really doesn't even seem like its a gaming channel anymore.i watch cops every now and than but ido miss seeing X-play and AOTS and cheat...and all those other little things on that channel..
Seriously, whatever you do, do not go to the University of Hartford.richyrichCTwhy?
I'd strongly encourage you to get a degree in computer science, art, business, engineering, or math. A video game degree forces you into a narrow avenue of employment; if you can't find a job with a game company, you're screwed. These other degrees won't harm your chances of breaking into the industry of your choice yet still provide you with a backup plan in case you need to look for work elsewhere.Oleg_Huzwogyea but the only thing is i dont really know computer science ive been doing game designing for a big part of my life.
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