[QUOTE="kittykatz5k"]In advance, sorry to any future unreplied arguments, but arguing the philosphy of fun isn't what I came here for, and that's what it's turning into.
I think you can say what you like, that mario is not any more fun than a beer and a board game, but your lack support for such an argumetn. I'll see if you can raise some when I get back, but atm in the idea of measurable fun which you seem to believe impossible while on a gaming forum arguing scores made based on the idea of measuring fun, I think I would have more fun watching my bro paly chibi robo than listening to this headache enducing twisted logic that no game designer should ever make a game around..
In short, be back later.
Its my opinion, something that is simply not disprovable in any way, shape or form. I've already established that fun is entirely subjective in all its capacity and you CAN NOT measure fun. its as simple as that. Why should I buy a 50 dolalr fun game without story when I can buy a 5 dolalr fun game without story? I simple expect more out of a game than "fun". Can you not understand that? I'm not talking about relative fun here, I'm saying I expect MORE than just fun from my video games. If I wanted mindless self indulgence I'd go buy carnival games.I hate to be the one who breaks this to you but the main purpose of video games is entertainment, in other words having fun. Yes quite insane I know but its the truth, engrossing stories interesting dialouge and philosophical question can all be found in books, it seems to me that you would be better off reading Dostoyevsky than playing Video Games. Fun is subjective but it can be compared, for example, I have more fun playing Mario Galaxy than I have playing Plinko, that is why I pay 50$ for it. That is whay I pay for Video Games, to have fun. If you simply don't want to have fun I suggest you drop 10$ and go buy yourself a decent novel it will satisfy your needs and would stop this silly arguement.
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