@PCsama: It isnt GPU related at all....I have 1070 and my game runs flawless on the best settings with 60hrz except for some minor wierd animations. Again it could be your PC is not optimized like mine. I dont have any of what you said and already played for about 60 hours or so..20 of them hours were after the patch....
@nowaitman: Your comparison is so stupid omg...............
steak is either done good or done bad there is no betwin so ordering 100 steak half cooked and half raw which si bad is comparison to a game like No Mans sky. Andromeda on the other hand, have many good aspects. So you can say it is like a beautiful crazy chick
I like how many ppl writing stuff here as if they understand. "redo" the animations can be really simple. Having a preset of the whole conversations cinematic and just tweaking it and overwrite.
barakz0r's comments