Well I don't work at a game store but I did trade my system, games and extra controller to and Eb today.
barbuane's forum posts
Right on Heather
Is anyone looking for someone to play halo 3 co-op campaign or someone to join party on cod4 beta?
Gamertag is same on live if so
I can tell you personally that owning a PS3 and its blu-ray glory is a big waste of time and money.
Thank god I decided to trade in my ps3
That just looked dissapointing on every level
I think goldeneye 64 had better ai
I just like to know which EBgames you got this kind of deal.
I just got off the phone with those clowns.
For 60gb PS3, madden 08, Lair, HS, RFOM, Motorstorm extra controller this was their offer
$400 trade in value.
Im in canada so maybe thats why.
I doubt Ebgames where you live is gonna give you that deal for just a PS3.
But who knows.
OMG Why are there people still defending this company.
To the people who responded to my comment.
I alredy own a 360, have for awhile.
Please stop calling people cows for making the worst mistake of their lives buying into Sony BS.
To the people who some how compare this to 360 elites having hdmi, bigger hard drives and last but not least the repairs.
Get a F****** clue.
This doesnt even compare.
None of those will make a gaming experience like rumble.
Sure some people dont like it....thats fine you can turn it off.
The point is they make this F****** claim its last gen...blah blah blah.
SO we have to play without it.....fine whatever we deal with it
Then all of a sudden they announce this, spitting in the face of all PS3 owners yet again.
Its like the promise of blu-ray....bigger space faster load times....blah blah blah
Yet games and system operates faster on the 360.
I honestly dont like posting on here and usually come on for a laugh thinking everyone is crazy for these system war arguements but man I just cant take it anymore.
Everything people been saying about Sony is true....not just about PS3 ....EVERYTHING
The games just suck....anyone who says other wise obviously hasnt played the F****** system or it is their first system in life.
Today is my last day with the PS3, in after thought I wont go throw it in a harbour but I will try and get something from EB to cut my losses.
Am I the only PS3 owner that is very very very very very pissed right now.
If they do release the shock controller will us shockless people be able to ship our controller for a replacement or will we have to purchase another one??????
I really can't take much more of Sony crap BS.
We get really bad ports, blame on devs all you want but I dont think every dev on the planet sits around and says lets be lazy with PS3.
Then our exclusive games really really really really suck.
Lair got what a 4.5 here.....should of got a 0.5.
HS....god a 6 hour and 10 minute game....another waste of money.
I know your probably gonna say why not just rent the games?
Well because the PS3 is not doing that well where I live no one is renting their games.
Now if I have to pay for rumble controller and not have my current crappy controller replaced by them im gonna go mafia style on the PS3 and put a bullett in it and dump it in the harbour where it belongs.
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