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White Label games

I'm an old school gamer, I just love the classics. I'm also CHEAP! I was searching through ebay and I found all three fallout games remade. it was only like 10 bucks so I thought I get them, since I have never played fallout before. So I have started to play Fallout one on my computer at school and it works great. I'm still running xp so I'm not sure if it works with vista yet. the best part is you don;t even need dosbox or any thing to play them. I have had a few problems getting game to work right and run right on dosbox. I hope they plan on releasing a few more games. A lot of these games are missing the new and better graphics but its not all about looks, it about the game.

This weeks gaming plan

My plan this week is to put some time into neverwinter nights and maybe play some NHL.  I like neverwinter but its hard for me to start playing it because once I start it take like 3 hours before I can stop.   I'm also thinking about buying a new game soon but not sure what to get.  something cheap would be nice

Up date

Well its been a few months since I add any new blogs so i thought I take the time now.  Well it took me to the end of December to finish Neverwinter nights about 5 months.  I did start the nex story but have not played it much.  I started a game in Fable again because I was itching to play it. Took me a few weeks to finish.  I play and fished GTA 3 and started vice city but there a few thing I never fished.  Been playing hockey off and on but my season froze.  I played and finished FEAR.  It was a great shooter but only took me like a week play though.

I rented Ghost Recon the other day for Xbox, finished it on the easiest difficulty and made it to the 9 mission on the nexts hardest.  Once I returned Ghost Recon I rented Sid Meier's Pirates.  I been playing it a lot, its a great game but I happy I rented it.  its getting a little boring.  Also the xbox version is not as good as the PC.


Well i finely mange to get the game daggerfall with not paying over $30. In fact I payed about $2.50 for it.  I received the game yesterday and I can't wait to play it.  It will have to wait till i'm done with neverwinter nights.  I now have all 4 of the Elder Scrolls games.  I might Try and get the other ones like Redgaurd but i'm not sure yet.  Plus some of the games I don't have the system to play them on.

me not so smart :(

well i been planing on buying the game neverwinter night for some time now and been doing so research, but i haven been having trouble find information.  so this when on for a few weeks then i found out why.  for the last few month i have been calling the game "neverwind nights", even after i found it on line and order it. even after i talk to a few people about it.  well at lest i caught on now that i own the game.

Back to Morrowind

With my burst of oblivion playing coming to a end it was back to Morrowind for me.  I started a new game 2 weeks ago and i'm now at level 35, with strength, speed, agility and endurance all maxed out, thanks to multipliers.

   i just ordered Neverwinter night Diamond and soon i will be playing it.  i'm also looking at getting the GTA games for xbox for cheep.  i'm also looking for a cheep copy of daggerfall and quest of glory 3. 

112 hours of oblivion

well i have now put over 112 hours of play time into oblivion and this game just keeps going on and on.  this game is so unbelievable....ahhhh i just want to play more


My grades at school are going down

    but i reached a higher level in Oblivon

My girlfriend thinks I never listen to her on the phone

   but i was trying to close a Oblivion gate

I haven't seen the sun in three weeks

   so i just turned up the brightness in Oblivion