OMG!! I just notice that some one read my journal. I didn’t think any one would do that I just do it to past the time. Well I’m back in school, not much free time, I got drunk last night, spend 4 hours today studying for a test and now I’m writing in my journal to kill some time before I play morrowind. Well got to go.
barnell Blog
killing is fun
by barnell on Comments
Killing goblins and fighting the dark brother hood describes my last night adventure in Morrowind. I’m in the city on the main land (sorry I don’t remember the name), I started by taking on the brother hood. They were easy to kill but there were so many of them to fight. Next the goblins, again their mass numbers made it hard but I sliced and dice my way through them. I kill the 2 leaders and the 2 trainers. Now I’m trying to stop some undead shrine with the help of a mage. So much to do so little time to play. I’m at level 33 now and getting stronger, soon I will be at the top again. I might start doing the blade quest soon, I haven’t even started it yet.
Getting big and batter
by barnell on Comments
Well it now been a little over a week since I started my new game in morrowind. I’m at level 25 now and I’m exploring a new city I never been to. Sorry I can remember the name of the city but it on the main land. I’m trying to find out about the dark brother hood. I just got there and have only begun looking around. I plan on playing when I get home and soon I will be done work and be able to play more before class starts up again. Well that all for now.
my one weakness
by barnell on Comments
Well I look over my journal and some of my post and I notice that I was spelling morrowind wrong a bunch of times. So that is why I put it in my sig. Mmmm what ever spelling and writing are my only weakness I guess we all need to have on, like superman and kriptonight(or how ever you spell it). I’m board at work again nothing at all to do today, I guess I will take a walk or something later. Don’t think I’m going to get a change to play any games tonight. I’m busy till about seven then I might go out drink and bar hopping. Friend crashed his car and got a DWI so will take him out for some drinks. No better way to get someone over a DWI then drinking right. I did play morrowind for about 5 hours last night, add some mods and all most got every thing working right. Well it not like anyone reads these journals but at least it keeps me busy for now.
Mod o plenty
by barnell on Comments
Well I have been playing Marrowind a lot since I just got it for my computer. I have added a few mods, nothing to special, better body some new armor. I’m holding off on the quest mods for now. I name my charictor Sky, she a female (that why I said she) imperial, I made my own class, kind of like a thief with long sword skill, armory, and speech craft and merchandizing skills. I joint the fighters, mage and thief guilds so far. I try to join them all. I do have the assassin armor, was attacked by one in balmora. Light armor is one of my skills so that helps me move up in my level. I might play a little bit today but I’m in a call of duty mood. I need updates for COD I keep getting kicked out of games for not having maps or guns. I have to look for updates when I get some free time. The Internet is slow at work today and I was thinking I might go out and do something. Will see. I have put shunmue or how ever you spell it on the back burner for now. Maybe if I have some free time I will play it. I’m just not very interested in it. Once school is going and I come home for the weekends I start it again. I want to finish it. For now it Morrowind, COD and maybe a little warhammer 40,000: dawn of war.
to many games to play
by barnell on Comments
Well I just got morrowind for my PC and all the add-ons that go with it. Looks like I will be playing a lot of it again. Need to get the feel for it, their some thing different in the game play then on xbox. I still need to finish shenmue, it will be easy once school starts. I play shenmue on the weekends when I’m home and Morrowind when I’m at school.(PC at school, Xbox at home) I’m also playing Call of duty online now. It great I love it and there also warhammer 40,000 to play to. @#$% to many games to play.:P
better then shenmue
by barnell on Comments
Been playing shenmue for like three weeks now… I think it making me stupider. At less the part I’m at right now I get to fight a lot. Best part of the game is fighting. Well I’m at work today, had a easy job but every thing when wrong. Looks like I will be working on this all day. Well at lest it better then shenmue.
by barnell on Comments
So bored!!!
I have been sitting around work for the last 9 hours and all I done is look up news article on the web. I think I did maybe 1 hour of work. Well at lest I get paid well. I want to go home play a game but I’m going away this weekend, maybe on Sunday. Mmmmm I need some coffee or maybe I should start drinking early.
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