I think it deserves all the love it gets! I do think it can get a bit repetitive, though, which you can alleviate somewhat by switching between heroes every now and again. Other than that, it's an excellent game.
I pretty pumped up for it myself. It looks like its gonna be another one of the actually good Marvel games and it's taking just enough liberties to be it's own thing (I really hate it when they release a show or game that's just copy and pasted ideas from the MCU). I'm very curious into how much parkour Spidey can do, as well as what villains will be in it. That and the fact that it's being developed by Insomniac gives me a lot of hope for this one.
I really don't think we should just pin the racial hate crime label on this just because the killer and victim are of different skin colors. That's a bit of a big assumption to just jump to without solid evidence or records of an interrogation. However, the torture and murder of a baby is definitely heinous enough as a crime.
Seriously, who is demented enough to do that to someone who hasn't even formed a personality yet? Someone that cruel deserves a life sentence in prison at least.
All four of the Quantic Dream games. It wouldn't be as aggravating as it is if the games didn't come of as pretentious at times.
Heavy Rain imo was the closest to being good and had some actually well done moments (primarily the trials), but Madison Paige was horribly written and the story fell apart completely at the end.
Playstation. I've played Playstation consoles sine the PS1, so I have a bit of console loyalty towards them. Plus they have a way better line up of exclusives.
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