Crackdown looks like it's doing some amazing things but I am a tad bit skeptical.
batosaims' forum posts
dunno, but reading your post,,, i saw some frustration in it, what's wrong? You can feel whatever you want to feel like, no one cares. One thing for sure, though X1 is underpowered, their biggest game is in 810p and MCC was broken for half a year. Be frustrated and feel embarrassed for 343i. "you're on the losing side" lol i love when people take some1's comment seriously, nerds are funny :>
But I can play it at 60 fps're 18 FPS games are still going to be 18 FPS in 10, 20, 30 years from now?
I don't take anything you say seriously, I'm just pointing out the gaping black hole in your logic, or lack of it. Watching you get defensive and say "buh buh ur teh loser" is the best part
Seems to run smooth for the most part except for a glaring hiccup at 28 seconds in, although I'm not sure if it's actual FPS drop or a glitch.
Anyway, can't wait, although it was hilarious how Fred had to tell Chief how to kill a Hunter xD
@batosaims: hehe, I was just about to say how I was surprised nobody mentioned Parappa the Rapper, then I saw your post..... that game was awesome with a group of people(and a few beers)!
It was a pretty unique game, I remember playing at Target on the PS1 Kiosk, unfortunetly I didn't get my PSX until like...2000...I did the vast majority of my gaming that gen on the N64
Wish the resolution was also twice higher
Does it make a game better?
"looks at Order 1886"
I don't think so, maybe 343 should of done what Ready at Dawn did and put black bars on the screen so they'd have to render 75% less
By looking at their last game, what was rendered on screen was under 75% because nothing was working for half a year lmao. So yes, maybe they should've voted for that 75% instead of 0% and tournaments being cancel because of it.
No sorry, terrible attempt to change the subject when you're on the losing side, I understand you tried to sneak in the "lulz mcc broken" joke in there but it failed, I almost feel embarrassed for you...almost ....
No Order
Mega Man X4
Mega Man Legends
Chrono Cross
Breath of Fire 4
Crash 2
FF Tactics
PaRappa the Rapper
Tony Hawks Pro Skater
Its probably twice as long because you go through each level twice and that sounds terrible.
Also, I gotta say the Halo 4 campaign was disgustingly short and straight up BAD.
They have a lot to prove there. Warzone sounds fantastic and the beta was stellar, so Im not worried about the gameplay.
If by going through each level twice you mean once as Blue Team and once as Osiris then no, Ready up Live on Youtube played part of the campaign and Blue Team and Osiris go to different locations.
Halo 4's campaign wasn't BAD, story was good for lore junkies, my biggest issue is that the design was lackluster and there were too many "go here and press this button" and the entire game was basically a corridor shooter, nothing like the sandbox levels in Halo1/3, although they stated they were rectifying this in Halo 5 with less linear levels so that's something to look forward too.
A Monument to All Your Sins
Wish the resolution was also twice higher
Does it make a game better?
"looks at Order 1886"
I don't think so, maybe 343 should of done what Ready at Dawn did and put black bars on the screen so they'd have to render 75% less
By looking at their last game, what was rendered on screen was under 75% because nothing was working for half a year lmao. So yes, maybe they should've voted for that 75% instead of 0% and tournaments being cancel because of it.
What does that have to do with resolution? You couldn't make a decent argument so you change the subject to the MCC being broken? Relevant much?
"edit" by I meant render 25% less, it was pretty underhanded for them to put black borders on the screen so it could be "cinematic" which is nonsense.
I buy Halo for the campaign. But the revamped multiplayer will be impossible to ignore.
Same, I'm probably in that minority who care about the campaign than the MP itself, I'm not gonna deny that they've had lackluster level design but they've had some bad ass levels like Silent Cartographer, The Ark and The Covenant. These type of sandbox levels were non existent in Halo 4 but Frank O Connor said they'd be back in Halo 5
This is what has me hyped more than anything though, from Neogaf
"No. I'm saying elements of the story will be altered or perceived differently depending on WHO gets their first, not WHEN.
Imagine for example, Fred meets a Forerunner character before the Chief, it may behave differently because it doesn't recognize him as the "reclaimer"
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