I have to agree with Ellis on this one. Regardless of how good a game is, the way women are represented in games is important to me. I'll be passing on the latest Metal Gear Solid. FYI, I don't play Halo either, and in my opinion Bayonetta was the most sexist pile of garbage since Dragon's Lair.
After about four months of arguing with the bank, and providing a copy of my passport that showed I did not in fact take a train to Paris, yes, I got most of it back.
@firepawl Except they said choices matter, and the choices didn't matter. There were no different consequences. You got the same consequences from either killing or saving the rachni queen. It didn't matter what you did at all.
@firepawl Yes, and believe it or not, they considered THAT a different ending. Choose synthesis, earth destroyed? Ending 1. Choose synthesis, earth devastated? Ending 2. Choose synthesis, earth slightly damaged? Ending 3. Et cetera. Because artistic integrity. Saved rachni? Mutant rachni queen. Destroyed rachni? Mutant rachni queen anyway. Because choices matter.
Really? Because the "official game guide" says it has 14 endings. No kidding, the three "original" choices each had a few "variations." (I might be wrong on the # of endings, but it was somewhere in the teens).
@firepawl Me too, but Bioware's responses to fans who were not happy with the ME3 ending puts me solidly in the "buy used if ever" camp for Bioware's future games. It's one thing to acknowledge criticism; it's quite another to prance around with excuses like "artistic vision" and "14 endings".
@firepawl @be_skeptical Games are art. And I like a certain kind of art. Bioware decided to go in an "artistic direction" that I don't like. No problem. I'm not going to pay them for art they want to make. I'm only going to pay them for art I want to buy.
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