I'm a fan of both Blizzard & Relic , so lets just say that i'm a fan of both ....so i think my fairness in this thread is 100% i hope ! :D Blizzard was my real salvation when i was still at a fragile age ... DIABLO , WARCRAFt , STARCRAFT .... were the next Elvis for each genre ! & for many years i have played their games like a nutt in both singleplayer & multiplayer ....the only problem is that each of their games brought something new to the table ...but still similar with each ohter (Starcraft , Warcraft ) ...but no problem for me i was familiar with the interface & amazed by the new addtions i'm now just bored of to much blizzard games ...& the only complaint that i have for their new chpaters in each franchise ... is just they aren't trying to change anyting , they only improve it by adding new content & today's graphics ....i mean in StarCraft's case i see the battlefield the same like it is 10-11 years a go ! Don't get me wrong many of today's game aren't revolutionary but they get a higher score because they are made perfectly in an old fashion FPS/RTS/RPG etc. (Examples : GTA4 , Gears of War 2 , Killzone 2 etc. ) ! Both STARCRAFT & DIABLO will be perfect but because the developers dosen't try to change more than the skin of the game , they remain perfect in everyway that htey were years a go ! I will buy Starcraft all the way if it appears this year especially for the story & integrety , & DIABLO 3 to :P ! but still compared to ....
Relic a studio thath lunched its 1st masterpiece HOMEWORLD1/2 an RTS that practacally invented a new genre 3D space RTS !, after that Imposible Creatures an interesting RTS where you can create your units fusing animal parts .After this camed DoW which reinstald the simple ideea of capturing points very well that Z (zed) invented in 1995 i think , after this COH brought it to a new level & not only that ...it introduced kinda the 1st true distructible battlefield that really changed the gameplay as you progressed !
Both Blizzard & Relic had their years of pure innovative genius but now both are kinda stranded because they added so much to the RTS genre ! I really can pull my brains out at the moment & i can't come with a new ideea for an RTS in term of gameplay !
Dawn of War 2 the next big RTS in the genre , has quite an ingenious solution for its gameplay ...because they used most of their ideeas in their last games .... theyr blended most of thein in DaW 2 .... & i can say i like so far .... & if you can embrace the change you will trully enjoy it !
Many people complains that hte game dosen't have base building ...well it has buidlings but not in one place , i personally like that ... if you are a fan of StarWars you saw in the movies when the cloone trropers were attacking they didn't had buildings with them just small outposts & scoutposts after they secured a line after the 1st minutes or hours of inssurection !
The other major complaint that i've seen people having is that the scale is mush smaller ....welll yes it is but its much faster & frenetic & more attention to units is sugessted here because now when a tank comes or a Wraith lord for example .... & it has the atribute BULLETPROOF .... its really bulletproof i mean its much more logical than SC & C&C ....simply bullets can not penetrate its armor easy so one wraithlord can decimate so many squads !
An other complaint is people don't like that the cover system from CoH is here ....whell if you know a little bit of math & phisx & if you played GEars of war 2 ( who had big armores to ) ....cover is a real life necesity!!!
& the list goes on ! But i think for as many complaints that there are , there are olso PRO's because there are ppl that embrace change much more easilly !
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