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#1 beckoflight
Member since 2006 • 848 Posts

I'm a super fan of FEAR .... but owh man i didn't expect FEAR 2 to be so much much better so much better in every aspect especially in the horror ! The demo simply made my heart burst ! I wan't to take back my words sayng "Dead Space" is as good as Condemned or FEAR ... its great but not this great ! Simply put Monolith has all it needs the studio is full of sick degenrate minds ...perfect to make horror games .... god i wish Condemned 2 will come to PC !

How was the demo to you !!! ?!??

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#2 beckoflight
Member since 2006 • 848 Posts

Hy .... january being just the 1st month .... of the year we can allready see some superb titles that are shown for the 1st time for this year .. & the big events will come soon bringing us moare anouncements of great sequels & new ip's but from what we know what do we/you want the most !

My list :

1st Dawn of war 2

2nd Fear 2

3rd AssassinsCreed2 ( hope they will get all of the things rights this time )

4th StarCraft 2 if it comes !

5th Splinter Cell Conviction ( hopefully they will show with sometime soon !)

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#3 beckoflight
Member since 2006 • 848 Posts
on Monday i'm expecting my Warhead to come to my door ....till monday i'm replaying , am right now Crysis & i get an average 42 FPS all high 1640 x 1040 ...without AA ! 8800 GT Gygabite Zalman edition !beckoflight
I just played warhead & i get the same performance as the 1st Crysis at the same resolution ...but i can see a performance increase alltough i'm playing it on enthusiast ... in some levels it will work better in others it wont !
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#4 beckoflight
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on Monday i'm expecting my Warhead to come to my door ....till monday i'm replaying , am right now Crysis & i get an average 42 FPS all high 1640 x 1040 ...without AA ! 8800 GT Gygabite Zalman edition !
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#5 beckoflight
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So i had a Sapphire 2900 XT for 1 year & 2 moths & because i have updated the Bios for my Asys P5B-Plus card died & surprisingly it didn't melt or got an electric shock it just died ! So i've tooked it back with my waranty to the shop & they brought me an 8800 GT Gygabyte Zalman edition know the box with Never Winter Nights 2 on the cover !

Surprinsgly i've done some tests on 3dMARK 2006 & i have my first screenshot with the Ati wich got on All High 16 AA etc. 1640 x 1120 , 1066 points ....surprinsingly Nvidia 8800 Gt got only 6460 points !

After this i have played for a week R6V2 & TF2 no change in performance compared to the 2900 XT ....just a slight diferrence in contrast & in source games in effects !

Yesterday i just reinstald Crysis to play it before i get Warhead & ow men i was stuned ...the card runned like crap on 1440x900 or 1280x1024 with all max i mena high + 8x AA I'm running it on XP version ! .... but before i exited the game dissapointed i'd set the game at my maximim resolution of the monitor 22" LG 1640x1080 with all maxed out ....& it was like a clear crystal river flowing smootly of the mountain it had an average FPS of 46 ... compared to ATI 2900 XT i only played Crysis at 1280x1024 maxxed out with kinda the same framerate & imagine the surprise !

From now on i won't let my soul decide for me when buying new products alltough i'm still an ATI fanboy i will let my LOGICAL side to decide the best choice when i'm buyng a new component or PC !

My System specs : 8800 GT gigabyte , Intel care 2 duo E6700 overcloced 3 ghz , Seagate 250 Sata 2 16x , Asus P5B-plus motherboard !

I'm asking because of unctontrolled curiosity since this happend , how are you running crysis "settings" & waths your average FPS !?????????

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#6 beckoflight
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They will make their own consoles ...especially ATI/AMD which is prepared with both CPU's & GPU's to handdle the console industry + maybe forming an aliance with sega & bring back the SEGA console ....& lets not forget of the Quadro & FireGL cards that are made to rendrer movie effects for Hollywood & evan create engines ( i think) developers will allways need those !
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#7 beckoflight
Member since 2006 • 848 Posts

Although I admit I'm looking forward to Crysis Warhead, I'm also a bit disappointed that PC game development is stuck in a rut filled with carbon-copy FPSs, RPGs, RTSs, etc. CryEngine 2 is capable of huge realistic environments, fantastic fly-through clouds, huge expanses of water, and breath-taking sea-beds... PC developers should be jumping at this game-engine and churning out sequels to much-loved IPs, or coming up with new IPs inspired by classics like :

1.) Drakkan : Can you imagine soaring above a Crysis-rendered forest on a dragon and belching fire at goblins below, going one-on-one with gryphons up in the clouds, or rumbling along on the ground sending trees crashing every which way? How cool would that be? :D And aside from combat, why not add a variety of "Grand-theft Dragon" type quests like scavenger-hunts, cargo transporting, competitive races, charting of unexplored areas, etc. All the "minor" things a rider and dragon might end up doing in peaceful moments.

2.) Battlezone III : Yeah Pandemic, I'm talkin' to you! You had one of the most amazingly visceral RTS/FPS hybrids, and it's time you made another one! What's not to love about building your base from a groundside perspective, and then duking it out in vehicles across massive battlefields while you lead your own forces from the cockpit of one of the units? A few games have tried, but nothing has ever captured the awesome feel of BZII.

3.) Subwar-2050 : another innovative title with a wildly different take on vehicular combat. The "Splinter Cell" of vehicular combat sims, this one slowed you right down and placed you in some severely tense situations -- sneaking, hiding, and stalking your prey beneath the waves. The oceans and sea-beds in Cryengine2 are second to none and would easily make THE ideal setting for battles with futuristic submarines, underwater bases, and freaky biologicals.

4.) Magic Carpet : Again, another wild and really creative game that deserves a modern reboot. I can't think of a current-gen, or even a last-gen title that has the same sort of frenetic gameplay -- or an engine better suited to the task of creating gorgeous environments for it.

5.) Ecco the Dolphin : with such beautiful oceans and seabeds, Cryengine2 would make for a rather spectacular retelling/continuation of this particular adventure... ;)

... and to suggest a few some mind-numbingly obvious (if less creative) game ideas ...

Fox Interactive : Where's our AvP? Don't forget that two of your most-loved AvP games were on the PC. How about throwing some Aliens and Predators loose in a jungle realized in Cryengine2 for us, pretty please? ;) Compare Crysis jungles to those in the first Predator movie and you'll see why there is simply is no other choice! We saw a Mayan village overrun by Aliens in the first AvP movie -- why not let us experience the events leading up to that through a game? ;)

LucasArts : It's been ages since you guys have done a decent StarWars flightsim. How about one that puts us in the flight-suit of a Republic pilot during the Clone Wars? Yup, now you're touring around on Geonosis, Kashykk, Fellucia, Hoth, etc flying a Republic gunship into missions where you do regular fare like attack targets and provide air-support, but you also run the gauntlet to deploy troops, drop off munitions and AT-TE walkers, extract troops, steal enemy tech, etc. A modern chop-lifter if you will, but realized in 3D with the best graphics engine the PC has to offer... And while you're at it, we could stand another Republic Commando and another Jedi Knight game! (Cryengine2 is the only engine where we can lop-off random trees with a lightsaber after all...) ;)Species8472_5b
Have you evan tought about of whaqt you are proposing , the cryengfine 2 was meant for games only similar to crysis or with big open world perspectives , you cna't use the cryengine 2 to make another HL2 or FEAR ...because they will loose their personality just think about it of HL2 sinister post apocalyptic vi-be or FEAR's frenetic gun battles & yes offcours FEAR has better A.I. than Crysis has .... REMEBER when you started to hate most of the games out there because they were all using the UNREAL 3 engine ...they just feelt like throw away copies with some minor exceptions that you can count on one hand & those are : Bioware/MASS EFFECt , Epic/GEArs ,UBI/R6V,Bioshock/Irrational & evan can't think of the 5th game to mention !

I don't know about you but i enjoy when i see a game with its own engine ...the expierence is just totaly different.... for instance most of the unreal games were quite the same ofcourse with the exceptions that i have specified up .... but most of them were bland !

P.S. Who knows what Valve's technicians are working on couse i don't see them using the source engine evan more after they lunch Episode 3 , or how the DUNIA engine from FAR cry 2 will look & feel or how the ehanched LITHtech engine from FEAR 2 will react ........just don't be so blinded by gorgeous graphics & think more about the vibe & soul of the game !

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#8 beckoflight
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SO i had a 2900 XT sapphire Radeon for 1 year & 2 months & it worked just well especially from 8.2 catalyst .... but just a week a go when i just updated with 8,8 catalyst started to overheat , games starting crashing & i evan didn't played demanding games like in months ...only TF2 mostly & CSS !

After this i have read that sometimes you need to update the Bios of your motherboard to stay up to date with the drivers ... i have an ASUS P5B-plus motherboard & after i have updated the latest bios it got evan worse ....+ i had to leave my home for a small holiday 2-3 days & when i got back i have re-entered TF2 & The crash accoured ...after this my Ati card was dead surprisingly it wasn't from an electric shock or an ovearheated melting wave ...just the software ruined the card ... & now i returned to the shop & got a 8800 Gt for free !

Freak accident right ?

The 8800 Gt is oustanding kinda 10-15 % faster than the 2900 Xt but ...i was kinda dissapointed because the situation is the same as with the X360 & PS3 .... because on the ATi cards the immage has better contrast & more engaging effects etc. on Nvidia cards it runst a liitle more well but all the images are a litlle more bland in clors & contrast & evan effects " remeber Supreme Commander "....if i whould had the money i whould have gone for a an Ati 3870 at least evan dough it sisn't faster the games sure do look more good !

Anyway abut the freak accident i have searched mnany forums & other sites & i haven't heard of a thing like this before should i blame ASUS or ATI ?

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#9 beckoflight
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Your view on top 5 pc dev right now?

Top 5 PC developers(in my view)!

1) Valve - Half-life, counterstrike, portal, teamfortress, etc.

2) Blizzard - Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo and WOW.

3) Bioware - Mass effect, Baldurs gate 2 and KOTOR.

4) Relic - Homeworld, Dawn of war and Company of heroes.

5) Monolith - F.E.A.R, Condemnded and No one lives forever 2.

I agree wit hyour list except for 2nd place where i whould put UBISOFT Montreal in my oppinion !
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#10 beckoflight
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I have tryed to narrow it down to the best top 5 shooters when it comes to enemy A.I. & i have to say that i have replayed recently FEAR , HL2 , Crysis , Gears of WAr , & STALKER ! The poll is made but i want to talk about HL2's A.I. since everybody is considering it so bad welll ....

Compared to the other games i mentioned HL2 has the most diverse enemy list i have ever seen .... for instance .. in Fear you have the replica soldiers & that's it ( they may have sometimes different looks & armors + mechs) but still lets say that Monolith did a grandios effort for A.I. but for a single type of humanoid enemy ! Crysis kinda the same story with the KPA + you have 2 types of squids small & large & the hellicopter which are all done nicely ! Gears of War the same as FEAR ...because you just fight grubs in most part with different armors & sometimes booomers .....the fact that makes gears a challenge is when in play it on moderrate --> insane & you are on the same level with your enemies & you die very quiq!& as for STALKER = Crysis !

HL2 for instance has the most know enemy the combine which comes in 3 forms & lets say that they are mediocre but still they wiill surprise you sometimes by picking up your grenade , flanking & succeding from time to time but the most part mediocre ...but still this is one for of humanoid headcrab ....than you have 3 different style of headcrabs each reacting different & with that comes 3 different types of zombies + zombine , after this you have the little flyng drones the flying blades & the one that blinds you , & than you have the ant-lions & the ant-lion mother/guardian + the squad mates that is olso medicre but still usefull in some situations for both human&ant-lion in fact the ant-lions are smarter at navigating the terrain ..but stilll the human camarades have quite an aim & ough yeah the best A.I. that HL2 has to offer is surely the Striders , gunships , trasporter , hellicopter ....what impressed me more about this ones was the fact that they will shoot down your rocket as you are trying to hit them & the strider raises & lowers its body trying to get you in every hole for the helicopter well its kinda like Crysis but with bombs & no vegetation ! The fact is that maybe valve with their 150 employes did't had time to make the best out of each A.I. but still compared to the other games out there it has maybe the most types of A.I. in one game !

P.S. I won't vote for HL2 or any other game untill i see some votes i won't be considered a HL2 fanboy which i am :P !