Here is my problem. Too many games, and not enough time. I need to come up with a strategy to maximize the best gaming experience in the shortest amount of time.
My problem really goes back 10 years ago in the Ps1 generation. My first PS1 game was FFVII and I swore that I would not buy a new game until I completed the previous one. Well, I finished the FF and bought Colony Wars as my next game. Then my plan fell apart. Colony Wars was fun, but it got boring and repetitious so I bought another new game, and before I knew it, sequels to Final Fantasy were out along with Final Fantasy Tactics. Then I really got into PC gaming, and the strategy games like Civilization and Heroes of Might and Magic ate up most of my time.
I found myself continuing to play Starcraft online, but finally broke that addiction a few years ago with Soldier of Fortune 2 and BF1942 came out. I have yet to find a satisfying online experience like these games. Warhawk is just too frustrating for me.
I have yet to complete a RPG since FVII which is pretty sad.Many of the PC games that I own are so dated that it would be hard to enjoy the experience with the crappy graphics. I have about 100 PC games, 50 Xbox games, 6 Ps1 games, 20 Ps2 games ,and now 6 PS3 games. How do you guys find the time, and still be good at online?
My real question is should I just sell and dump all the old games, and just play the new generation, or would it be worthwhile to slog my way through all the old stuff? I was thinking it would be fun to play all the Medal of Honor games, but the first would may be a huge eye sore. Iwould really like to play the wholeSoul Reaver series inorder, but I wonder how the graphics would look nowdays. I remember when it came out for Ps1 and I was blown away.
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