Home is the most overhyped thing Sony has ever come out with it's boring to navigate and there is nothing to do but that's my opinion.
belrock86's forum posts
if your computer is for gaming wait to see what happens with OnLive if it works you don't need a powerhouse to run AAA titles.
It is hard for me to believe Sony could be the next Sega but Sony seems to be struggling and I feel if they don't do something to boost console sales the PS3 could become the next Dreamcast. I really like my PS3 but I feel Sony needs to change up their marketing strategy focus on the hardcore audience as well as focus on the casual audience. If I was head of Sony I would drop the PS3 price, than create casual games that use the Six-Axis but are marketed toward scasual gamers. The final I would do if I was in charge of Sony is start spending money wisley and do what Microsoft did buy exclusive rights maybe exclusive Bioshock 2 content and or exclusive Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 maps for multiplayer. I hope someone at Sony starts to make some good decisions or I fear the PS3 will become the next Dreamcast.
I really like the idea of OnLive espically if it allows me to play AAA titles without having to pay $50-$60 for them. IGN made a comment saying they expect Microsoft to announce something similar at E3 which if true could change console gaming forever. In today's struggling economy not many have the money to pay $60 for a game and going to rental store is just a pain so an OnLive Xbox component would make me say the console wars is over Sony is dead and Microsoft will reign supreme over the hardcore gamers like myself of the world. The problem I do see with OnLive is connection problems as well as quea times but we will see E3 is alittle ways off but I can't wait.
Fun game to play and worth multiple play throughs to get everything but way too short worth a rental but not buying. I really feel this game is a lot like The Bourne game in that it's fun but just not worth buying at $60 maybe $25 and I'll get it.
i wanted to first say I wasn't a fan of Oblivion and have never played any previous Fallout 3 games. Fallout 3 is a game that yes I got hooked on but felt bored several times throughout. Fallout has the same repetitive songs play over and over and get really annoying and the game feels like a been there done that before type of experience. I will not say Fallout 3 is a bad game because it's not I just feel it was overrated but I still enjoy playing it.
I finally got around to playing Fable 2 after beating RE5 and it is by far one of the best and most addicitng games i have ever playe. Fable 2 has so much to do and it's all fun from the jobs, quests, even starting up your own business. Fable 2 is my game of the year of 2008 and i am glad I finally got around to playing it.
NBA 2k9 is made for a more aracde type of style if you want defense get NBA Live 09 it's more realisitc and therfore a lot more defense. I play on All-Pro and play great defnse usually hold the cpu at or under 42% shooting. If your like me and hate NBA Live 09 and want defense in 2k9 start some trades look for defensive awareness than you will start playing defense.
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