Well, at least there's a story driven star wars game on the horizon, with no monetisation. It's going to be published by EA, too. So that's all good.... Damn flying pigs.
What a shame. This sounds like it could have been exactly the kind of game, gamers want to play. So yeah, it was bound to be canceled!
I think a broader question might be; Are they of value to the gaming experience? Invariably, the answer is no. Gambling or not, they are intended as an extra revenue stream that has no real benefit to the gamer or the games that contain them. Incidentally, have you noticed the retail price of games as risen by as much as £20.00 since the begining of this generation?
@Tekarukite: Unless of course, they ban your account :) Seriously though, I accept there are pros and cons for both digital and physical. As long as we keep the choice I don't see a problem.
This game is not 'open world', in any real sense. It will be a restricted corridor experience like previous iterations. Personally, I don't find that acceptable these days.
My hope is the game doesn't rely, almost completely, on the stealth mechanic, as the first one did. Put me off, and consequently, I never finished what is a classic game, because of it. Same with HZD, unfortunately, for me.
@idakooz: I'm with you. Was wanting a deep, single player RPG, but not gonna happen. Looks like I will pass on this too. Oh, the answer to why? C'mon you know already know the answer. Begins with 'M' and ends in 'Y'
My guess, and it's just a bit of fun here, so no nastiness, please. PC - Anywhere from 20-120, depending on rig. XB1X - 4K @ 24fps average. PS4pro - solid 30fps @ 1800p. XB1 - sligtly higher than XB1X,say 28fps, but at 1080p. PS4- same as XB1, but 30ish. Will be very generic money grab, very pretty, but poorly optimised. Oh, and there'll be tons of DLC and MT's. Everybody wins! :)
Really looking forward to this, just my 'cup of tea'. I'm so pleased to hear they have learned from W3 melee combat, because this was the weakest aspect of the game, imho. It's clear the primary focus is still going to be RPG, and with that, a shooting element. What could be better? Although, I would much prefer if the combat elements were turn based! :)
BenderBrain's comments