KUNAI Live Gameplay Demo - A Ninja-Robot Metroidvania | E3 2019
Kunai stars Tabby, a robot ninja whose skills will help you save the world on PC and Nintendo Switch.
Kunai stars Tabby, a robot ninja whose skills will help you save the world on PC and Nintendo Switch.
Samurai Gunn 2 is bringing a new adventure mode and even a graphic novel to Nintendo Switch, but you can check out some classic elimination multiplayer gameplay right here.
Here's a look at some of the people--and animals--that have brightened up our E3 in 2019.
Destroy All Humans has been remade to impress. Check out over 15 minutes of cutscenes and gameplay in this demo from E3 2019!
Cadence Of Hyrule offers demanding timing to a nostalgic remixed soundtrack. See how it looks as we explore the early stages with both Zelda, and Link. Cadence Of Hyrule is ...
Wolfenstein: Youngblood brings its leading characters to life and feels best when played cooperatively. Kallie and Aaron dive into the mission they got to play at E3 2019, and share ...
At E3 2019, Jordan and Randy discuss the new mechanics of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga and how it’s a completely new game built from the ground up. Lego ...
Thanks to a live gameplay demo on our E3 2019 stage show, we got to see how the anime cops of Platinum Games' Astral Chain will investigate crimes and take ...
We got a breakdown of one of Ubisoft's game announcements on our E3 Stage Show! Roller Champions is a competitive 3v3 game that pulls inspirations from basketball, handball, and pinball.
At E3 2019 on the GameSpot stage, Pete Hines talks with us about Bethesda's push to make streaming easier for everyone as well Ikumi Nakamura's popularity.
Tim Schafer from Double Fine Productions came onto our E3 stage show to talk about joining Microsoft and how great it feels to finally be showing off Psychonauts 2 after ...
Suda 51 stopped by our E3 stage show to talk with us about bringing No More Heroes 3 to the Nintendo Switch. Everything from "Thanos level threats" to saving your ...
Horror fans rejoice! We played Developer Digital's upcoming game Carrion at E3 2019, where you kill everyone as the monster.
At E3 2019, we find out how Final Fantasy 14: Shadowbringers continues the epic campaign by including a higher level cap, new jobs, new races, and plenty more.
Forza Horizon 4 is getting LEGO DLC very soon and we got to ask questions to some of the people who are bringing it to you along with an early ...
On GameSpot's E3 2019 stage show we discover what sets Judgment apart from the Yakuza series, and how new detective-focussed mechanics work in the upcoming action game.
Yu Suzuki takes us through the sustained vision of Shenmue 3 and the freedom the team feels during development due to the support of fans.
Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama is involved with the Kakarot action-RPG, but as we learned at our E3 2019 stage show, all the dialogue is being re-recorded. That means we ...
Black Mirror Season 5 contains a ton of Easter eggs and callbacks. Here's nearly everything we spotted! Let us know what we might have missed in the comments below.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is coming to Nintendo Switch on July 19, but you can check out some co-op action from the live gameplay demo on our ...
Remedy stopped by our E3 2019 stage show to explain that Control is more than just an action game with guns and psychic powers--it's about a woman searching for her ...
At E3 2019, we take control of Goku in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, fly to Radditz, and destroy him. Kakarot is coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC next year.
We played the FF7 remake at E3 2019, and it feels like a dream version of the original game that never existed--and that has us excited.
The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan, seen from E3 2019, sets the stage for a ghost ship horror story. The game will release August 30, 2019 on PC, PlayStation 4, ...
Respawn joins us to showcase what's in store for their second Battle Pass in Apex Legends, and how the latest legend, Wattson, will change the game.
No More Heroes 3 – the latest numbered installment in the No More Heroes series – is set for release exclusively to the Nintendo Switch in 2020!!
At E3 2019, Joel Emslie from Infinity Ward talks about why Call of Duty: Modern Warfare isn't just a reboot, and how it retains the spirit of the original trilogy.
Oculus' Jason Rubin stopped by our E3 2019 stage show to explain why it's a new era for virtual reality.
Kallie Plagge went hands on with Pokemon Sword & Shield at E3 2019 and got to try out one of the game's Gyms and the new Dynamax battle system! Pokemon ...
Every single character changes the way you strategize in Watch Dogs: Legion. Find out why you'll want to try them all.
We play DC Universe Online at E3 2019. DC Universe Online may be heading to Switch Summer 2019
Todd Howard visits our stage show at E3 2019 to talk about Fallout 76's first year and what Bethesda's plans are for the future of the game.
During E3 2019, we had a chance to play with Moze, the third of Borderlands 3's four new Vault Hunters. Borderlands 3 is launching on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and ...
Dishing out the details on Google Stadia's pricing points, the amount of data it uses on the go, and the accessibility it provides.
Can you survive like our ancestors? Mike and Lucy interview Patrice Désilets as they go into detail about the game during E3 2019.
Borderlands is back and we got a look at how they are planning on beefing it up for it's 3rd outing! Guns, abilities, characters and more guns about on our ...
Cyberpunk 2077 has some intriguing features plus Keanu Reeves. Jake Dekker and Kallie Plagge talk about all the gameplay they saw behind closed doors, and what they were excited about!
Neal Pabon drops by our E3 Stage to talk about change sthey have made to Final Fantasy 7's remake and how they modernized its combat.
Get a look at local multiplayer in MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 3: The Black Order.
During our E3 2019 stage show, The Coalition's Rod Fergusson explained why Gears 5 is tryng something new on Xbox One.
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