Sekiro: All 9 Gourd Seed Locations
If you want to get your healing Gourd to max, you're gonna need to find all the Gourd Seeds. We got you covered with this handy guide for finding any ...
If you want to get your healing Gourd to max, you're gonna need to find all the Gourd Seeds. We got you covered with this handy guide for finding any ...
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has a raging bull hell-bent on destroying anything in its path. Here is gameplay of us defeating the Blazing Bull boss fight in this walkthrough guide. ...
It's up to Ash to paint his hometown back to life in Concrete Genie.
Timelines will clash. Kombatants will meet their past selves. Nothing can prepare you for MK11! Take a look at the gameplay reveal of Jax, Liu Kang, and Kung Lao in ...
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice boss fights are by no means easy, and Lady Butterfly is among the tougher fights. Here are the cinematics for her difficult boss fight as well ...
Game of Thrones Season 8 is here, and we have a dozen of our most pressing questions that we want answered. Who is Azor Ahai? Will the Valonqar prophecy come ...
To create Apple Arcade, Apple has joined forces with some of the world’s most innovative game developers to realize the games of their dreams — and yours. Coming this fall.
After more than a decade, Samurai Shodown is back! SNK is rebooting one of its most successful series, carrying on the legacy of past titles with a new game that ...
Mary Kish enters the dreaded laboratory to face off with cafeteria staff and vicious Groot-like people.
Sekiro: Shadow's Die Twice is such a departure from From Software's previous games, that even veteran Soul's players will have to adjust to Sekiro's new mechanics. That's why we put ...
GAME: Apex Legends. SUBJECT: Octane. Captured from our intense research livestream, here are our tests and findings from our experiments with the Apex Adrenaline Junkie.
Check out the instant finishing moves for the four upcoming characters in BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle from GDC 2019
We got hands on the next round of characters coming to BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle, and Heart Aino from Arcana Heart makes her crossover debut!
In addition to tough boss fights Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is also full of heart-pounding moments when stealth comes into play. Here's how to avoid getting eaten by the massive ...
Directed by Joe Talbot and starring Jimmie Fails, Jonathan Majors, Rob Morgan, Tichina Arnold, and Danny Glover. Winner of the Sundance Best Director and Special Jury Awards. The Last Black ...
World War Z incorporates a PvEvP fusion where zombie swarms react to the fighting between the enemy team and you. Here's 5 minutes of Preview Build gameplay of us winning ...
World War Z has inspired a film adaptation and now a zombie infested cooperative video game experience. With a brand new look at their Jerusalem campaign mission and map, here's ...
Burnham learns about her connection to Section 31 and the Red Angel's identity is revealed. Greg & Chastity break down the story and references from Star Trek: Discovery season 2 ...
Under Night In-Birth is seeing a resurgence thanks to its inclusion at EVO 2019. Ben and Jean-Luc want to get back in on the fights with you guys!
Xur is back with Forsaken exotics for certain classes as well as consistently changing rolls for old favorites. Where is Xur? Watch this location walkthrough guide to see where he's ...
Completing Fortnite's Week 4, Season 8 challenges will grant you a key loading screen hinting at the location of a Secret Banner. Here's a guide on where to go and ...
Having tested Google Stadia at GDC 2019, we discuss what looming questions lie in the cloud about what this game streaming platform really is.
(Presented by Anthem) We created a one-of-a-kind replica of a Ranger helmet from Anthem - watch to see how
We saw an early look of Bloodlines 2 and learned from the developers why they brought the series back.
Former rivalries are reignited, alliances are tested and old wounds are reopened, as all are left to navigate the inevitable changes that modernity and time have wrought. Starring Ian McShane, ...
Deep in the Greek underground lurks an enemy of mythical proportions.
Kill La Kill The Game: IF features some hard hitting combos and fighting styles from the characters you love. Watch Gamagoori, Nui, Ragyo, Satsuki and more face off in some ...
In Silver Chains, you need to unravel a spooky, supernatural mystery in this indie horror game. Preferably before Mama gets her hands on you. Captured on PC.
Stela takes inspiration from prior cinematic platformers such as Journey or Limbo, but also adds its own style and twist to the indie platforming subcategory. Check out some of the ...
Raji boasts a beautiful visual middle eastern inspired art style with combat and RPG elements. Here's gameplay footage of this indie game captured at the ID Xbox event in GDC ...
Double Fine is showing off a new game called Rad. Here's 10 minutes of gameplay.
Inspired by a trilogy written by the developers, Devils Hunt is a hack and slash action game that takes place in the depths of hell. Here's what the indie game ...
Cuphead finally makes its way to Nintendo Switch. Here are 15 minutes of gameplay starring the OTHER main character, Mugman!
Disney gets even bigger.
Void Bastards appears to let you explore deep space and scavenge for materials with a particular art style. Here's what a seemingly abandoned ship looks like. Captured on PC.
Dead End Job is a roguelike twin stick shooter where you hunt down ghosts and capture them with your vacuum.
Night School Studio, the developer behind Oxenfree, is creating a new game about two rambunctious young adults trying to escape hell.
Cross Code which previously was only available for PC is now coming to console as well. Here's what Xbox One X gameplay looks like for this indie exploration game that ...
Determined to keep order, the Emperor of Outworld, Kotal Khan, wrestles with the temptation to exercise the same brutal tactics as his predecessors.
From Amazon Prime original series like The Tick Season 2 to films like Mid90s and A Quiet Place, here are our top picks for the best new Amazon Prime Video ...
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