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bensbabygirl Blog


Well today is nothing out of the ordinary! I am pretty much board out of my mind... does that count! Nevermind! Well umm I really don't know what to say! My boyfriend is going out of state this Saturday to vist oklahoma for a confrience! My familly was supose to go but w are going to cedar point instead in like august or somthing like that! I don't know why but him going so far away is REALLY getting to me! I don't like it at all! I guess I'm just worried about a million things that could happen! I want him to have a good time but I don't want him getting hurt and I kinda hope he will miss me to! I'm a dork! I haven't been able to talk to him but he can cheer me up with a simple smile or silly face when I do see him at church! His mom prettty much don't even want him looking at me which bites! But I mean heck I'm 17 I can get my lisence any day I want which I do right now except I'm broke ^^! lol!

I'm hoping I can get out today and do somthing ya know! I guess I'll just call one of my friends and see what there up to! Well I'm out okay! I'll get back at you later!



Normal day...

Well My cousin brook is over she is like 5 months old and I'm gonna have to go watch her soon but I figured I'd post somthing! I really think this site is pretty awsome but it dosen't have som of the final fantasy: advent children trailers I have been able to find while searching on the internet! God I really can't wait till that comes out I wanna see it so bad I don't think I can wait! Does anyone know if it is true that there is another final fantasy 10 coming out! suposably gonna be behind Rikku's veiw but I don't know for sure or not if its a rumor only! I can't wait to see if thats true or not! Oh and Final Fantasy 12 looks Sweet! All this awsome stuff coming out I'm psyced! Well Thats all I will say for now! I Love Benjamin Max Hayes!



K I'm back again! Well I just got back from my boyfriend's grandma, Pat's house! We spent like 3 hours pulling weeds and mowing the lawn! It felt kinda weird without Ben there! I'm so use to seeing him and him loving on me the whole time I'm over there that I thought about him the whole time! These two boys kept riding by and looking at me the whole time so I finally just started stairing back at them REALLY funny and they eventually didn't come back! I told Pat and she thought it was pretty funny! I got a spider on me a little after that and did this goofy looking dance (Pat was still inside think god) and then the guy across the street let out his two labs and I ran inside! Dogs tairify me! I have bad experiances with dogs!

Yesterday I went with my mom to her work! She works at a nursing home so she introduced me to all of her friends and some of the old people! One of her friend was like " AW thats you daughter she is so pretty!" She said it loud enough for everyone to hear and I was like blushing major! Then this old guy kept stairing at me! I got to meet this one guy who was really sweet! He was handycap and couldn't walk and was kinda slow! But he was really sweet to me! I wanted to cry in that place it was so sad! This one guy kept moaning because he had got shocked and that hurt me because I knew I couldn't help him! They are so helpless and alone! But I love them all so they really aren't alone!:D Thats the way I see it! I'll be there buddy! Well that is it I think so I will get back to ya later!



Well Hello There...? Yeah okay!

:roll: Well right now I'm sitting at my computer typing this thingy! umm... My life has basically been crap latly! I feel like my boyfriend hates me along with everyone else! Umm... Oh yeah I talked to my friend Zack today on Yahoo messanger and well thats how I heard about this site! He is pretty down about his girlfriend to and I honestly feel for him! Smile Zack it will get better eventually! :P I am a total dork sorry! I have no Idea what to put! Oh yeah well how me and Ben got into all this crap is along story but his parents aren't letting us see each other until he is 16 (4 months) and its ticking me off! I miss him so much and I would do anything to see him right now! I went to a party on the 4th and it rocked! I was the only one dancing and jumping around like a pogo stick! It was hilarious! Like they say I am the "life" of the party! :D I got invited by my friend Natasha to goto kings Island this friday but it would be us and a car full of guys I don't know, so I pretty much am not up for that one! Umm... Well I'm not really flowing with thoughts right now so let me think!

Oh yeah school just got out for us on the 3rd and I am pretty sure I passed most of my classes (I hope)! I did goto kings Island with my friend Chenell on the last day of school though! It was fun! I pretty much got sick and we had to leave! I think the Italian job roller coaster did made me sick! Her boyfriend got mad at her for taking me so at the party I had a little talk with him and had him smiling by time he left! I told him not to take advantage of what they had and appriciate her! Because I know what it is like not having the person you love with all your heart around and its the last thing I want any of my friends to goto! If I can keep them from getting hurt I will do the best in my power!

Okay well thats that! Umm If anyone can help me that would be nice because I have not the slightest clue about what I am doing on this site but I will figure it out I guess!!

Welp Peace out and rock always!

Mindy Lenea Hayes

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