Well today is nothing out of the ordinary! I am pretty much board out of my mind... does that count! Nevermind! Well umm I really don't know what to say! My boyfriend is going out of state this Saturday to vist oklahoma for a confrience! My familly was supose to go but w are going to cedar point instead in like august or somthing like that! I don't know why but him going so far away is REALLY getting to me! I don't like it at all! I guess I'm just worried about a million things that could happen! I want him to have a good time but I don't want him getting hurt and I kinda hope he will miss me to! I'm a dork! I haven't been able to talk to him but he can cheer me up with a simple smile or silly face when I do see him at church! His mom prettty much don't even want him looking at me which bites! But I mean heck I'm 17 I can get my lisence any day I want which I do right now except I'm broke ^^! lol!
I'm hoping I can get out today and do somthing ya know! I guess I'll just call one of my friends and see what there up to! Well I'm out okay! I'll get back at you later!
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